September 1, 2023: Concrete Curbing Installation
Installation of Precast Concrete Curbing Continues
Work will take place Tuesday, September 5, and Wednesday, September 6 (weather permitting). We expect work to begin at 7 a.m. each day and last until about 3 p.m.
During installation, construction crews will stage equipment in the bike lane and westbound travel lane (headed away from Harvard Square). People travelling in the bike lane and westbound general travel lane should exercise caution and expect impacts to travel. No parking restrictions are in place.
August 9, 2023 Installation Update: Flex post, concrete curbing installation begins Thursday, August 10
Installation of Flex Posts and Precast Concrete Curbing Begins Thursday, August 10
On Thursday, August 10, and Friday, August 11, we will begin installing flex posts and precast concrete curbing on Brattle Street (weather permitting). We expect work to begin at 7 a.m. each day and last until about 3 p.m.
During installation, construction crews will stage equipment in the bike lane and westbound general travel lane (headed away from Harvard Square). People travelling in the bike lane and westbound general travel lane should exercise caution and expect impacts to travel. No parking restrictions are in place.
This week, we expect to install curbing along about half of the street. We plan to continue work in the coming weeks.
Why are we doing this work?
On Brattle Street, we are using a combination of flex posts and concrete curbs to separate the bike lane from the street. By using concrete curbs, we're able to use fewer posts than we would normally. Flex post and curb locations can be viewed on the project roll plan.

Signage Installation
After we install curbing, we can install more permanent signage. New signs will replace the temporary stop signs at Brattle Street and Appleton Steet. We're also moving the stop sign on Sparks Street to the new stop location, closer to the intersection with Brattle Street.
Next Steps
- Finish remaining curbing. Curb installation will take multiple days. We'll schedule additional installation dates in the coming weeks.
- Modify signal equipment and timing at Fresh Pond Parkway/Brattle Street intersection. The Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) will perform this work.
- [Top] Markings in the buffer area show where concrete curbing will go on Brattle Street.
- [Bottom] Photo from Phase 1 of the Brattle Street Safety Improvement Project, including concrete curbing.
July 24, 2023 Installation Update: Pavement Markings Complete
Pavement Markings Complete
Last week, we finished adding pavement markings to add a two-way bike lane on Brattle Street between Sparks Street and Mount Auburn Street. This means that the two-way bike lane is now open for riding. For the time being, temporary cones are being used to separate the bike lane from the travel lane.
Over the coming weeks, we will finish installing the remaining elements of the project.
Next Steps
- Install flex posts and precast concrete curbs to physically separate the bike lanes from general traffic lanes. This will occur in the coming weeks.
- Install final project signage. This includes relocating the stop sign at Sparks Street to line up with the new stop bar, closer to the intersection with Brattle Street.
- Modify signal equipment and timing at Fresh Pond Parkway/Brattle Street intersection. The Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) will perform this work.
July 12, 2023 Installation Update: Line work begins tonight, all-way stop at Brattle/Appleton
Pavement Markings Begin Tonight
We expect to start work to install pavement markings on Brattle Street tonight (July 12). Pavement markings will include markings between Sparks Street and Mt. Auburn Street, including a two-way separated bike lane, crosswalks, general traffic lanes, stop lines at intersections, and parking lanes. Pavement markings will take about two to three total weeks to install, with the timeline dependent on scheduling and weather.
Work will take place during the overnight hours, beginning at 8 p.m. each night. Work will continue until the project is complete.
Parking Restrictions During Pavement Marking Work
On certain days, parking restrictions may be in effect. We will aim to limit the number of days when parking is restricted. Paper signs will indicate the specific hours, places, and evenings when parking restrictions are in place. Expect parking restrictions during the week of July 17.
New: All-Way Stop at Brattle Street/Appleton Street Intersection
Upon completion of the pavement markings, we will install new stop signs to create an all-way stop intersection at Brattle Street and Appleton Street. This means that traffic on both Brattle Street and Appleton Street will have to stop at the intersection. The stop signs will apply to both vehicle and bicycle traffic.
This change will improve safety at the intersection by managing conflicts, including conflicts between turning vehicles and vehicles going straight.
Next Steps
- Installation of flex posts and precast concrete curbs. This will occur in August once the pavement markings are complete.
- Installation of final project signage.
- Modifications to signal equipment and timing at Fresh Pond Parkway and Brattle Street. Work to be performed by the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR).
June 27, 2023 Installation Update
Paving Scheduled to End June 28
Brattle Street paving will continue this week on Tuesday, June 27 and Wednesday, June 28, weather permitting. We expect paving to finish on Wednesday, June 28.
Temporary Parking Restrictions During Paving: During paving, we are temporarily restricting parking on both sides of the street. This will let us fully repave the street from curb to curb. Paper signs indicate the specific hours and days that parking is restricted on specific sections of street.
Paving Contact Information: If you have any questions about the paving operations or need assistance, including any special needs or disabilities that require a special accommodation, please contact Dominic Almeida, Supervisor of Streets, at 617-349-6952 or In case of an emergency after hours, please call the 24-Hour line at 617 349-4800.
New Parking Restrictions
Metal parking signs on the north side of the street have been removed to restrict parking. Going forward, there will be no parking allowed on the north side of the street between Riedesel Avenue and Mt. Auburn Street. See the project plans for details on the new layout, including parking spaces.
Pavement Markings Scheduled to Begin July 12
Once paving is complete, we will need to wait two weeks before putting down the new markings. If applied too soon after new pavement is installed, markings will not properly stick to the roadway.
We expect to start work to install pavement markings on Brattle Street on Wednesday, July 12. (This date is subject to change based on weather and crew availability.) Pavement markings will include markings for the two-way separated bike lane, crosswalks, general traffic lanes, stop lines at intersections, and parking lanes.
These markings will take about two to three weeks to install. (Completion times vary based on weather and crew availability.) Check the project website or sign up for email updates for more information.
Next Steps
After pavement markings are complete, next steps include:
- Installation of flex posts and precast concrete curbs to separate bike lanes from general travel lanes. These will be installed in August, once final pavement markings are complete.
- Installation of final project signage.
- Modifications to signal equipment and timing at Fresh Pond Parkway and Brattle Street. Work will be performed by the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR).
June 13, 2023 Installation Update
Milling and Paving Begins June 22
Brattle Street is being fully repaved from curb to curb between Sparks Street and Mt. Auburn Street. Paving will start on Thursday, June 22 (Update: Paving was originally scheduled to begin on June 20, but has been rescheduled to June 22).
Work Hours:
This work is weather dependent and work hours will be between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m.
What to Expect During Paving:
Expect traffic detours and parking restrictions on Brattle Street during the day. Work will start at Sparks Street and head west toward Mt. Auburn Street.
There will be detours, and detour routes will change throughout the day and the duration of this work. Exceptions to detours will be made for local residents who need to access driveways, except for immediately after the road is paved. As each section of the road is paved, it will be closed to all traffic for a period of time. Crews will reopen the roadway as soon as possible.
Paving Contact Information:
If you have any questions about the paving operations or need assistance, including any special needs or disabilities that require a special accommodation, please contact Dominic Almeida, Supervisor of Streets, at 617-349-6952 or In case of an emergency after hours, please call the 24-Hour line at 617 349-4800.
Parking Restrictions During and After Paving
During Paving:
During paving, we will need to temporarily restrict parking on both sides of the street. This will let us fully repave the street from curb to curb. Paper signs will indicate the specific hours and days that parking is restricted on specific sections of street.
After Paving:
Once paving begins, metal parking signs on the north side of the street will be removed to restrict parking. Going forward, there will be no parking allowed on the north side of the street between Riedesel Avenue and Mt. Auburn Street. See the project plans for details on the new layout, including parking spaces.
Tree Work
We're assessing tree conditions in the project area, including the condition of a tree that was struck by a truck at Brattle Street at Appleton Street. Crews will perform tree maintenance work along the length of Brattle Street and finish by early July.
There is a truck restriction on Brattle Street, meaning that large trucks cannot use Brattle Street unless they have a delivery there. We'll add additional truck restriction signage at intersections along the street.
What Happens Next?
- After the street is milled and paved, we must wait several weeks before we can paint markings on the surface. After that, we will:
- Paint new lines on the road, including a new two-way bike lane on the north side of the street.
- Add stencils and colored surface treatments to call attention to bike lanes and pedestrian crossings.
- Install concrete curbs and flex posts to separate bike lanes from general purpose travel lanes.
- Install new signs, including new parking regulations.
- Install new bike signals and make changes to traffic signal timing.
We will continue to communicate about the installation schedule via email and on the project webpage.
May 24, 2023: Pedestrian crossing islands nearly finished, milling and paving begins in June
Pedestrian Islands
Crews are nearly finished with construction of pedestrian crossing islands on Brattle Street. Last week, crews performed island construction and curb realignment work at Fayerweather Street, Lowell Street, and Appleton Street. We expect work to finish next week.
Milling and Paving Begins in June
The City will fully re-pave:
- Brattle Street between Sparks Street and Fresh Pond Parkway
- Brattle Street between Larch Road and Mt. Auburn Street
We expect this to begin in early or mid-June. The date is weather dependent and not yet scheduled. We will email an update to the email list when paving is scheduled.
Parking Restrictions During and After Paving
During paving, we will need to temporarily restrict parking on both sides of the street. This will let us fully repave the street from curb to curb.
When paving is complete, parking will only be allowed on the south side of the street.
May 9, 2023: Pedestrian Crossing Islands and Curb Work Underway
Pedestrian Islands
We are currently building pedestrian crossing islands on Brattle Street.
Two crossing islands are nearing completion between Fresh Pond Parkway and Mt. Auburn Street.
Crews began work east of Fresh Pond Parkway on May 9, starting at Lexington Avenue and moving eastward. Crews will reconstruct curbs and add pedestrian crossing islands near Lexington Avenue, Fayerweather Street, Lowell Street, and Appleton Street.
Traffic Detours
Traffic detours are currently in place on Brattle Street during working hours, typically 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Detours will change throughout the construction period, and are most likely to impact traffic headed away from Harvard Square.
Parking restrictions are also posted throughout the construction area.
Next Steps
- Now to end of May (approximately): Construction of pedestrian islands
- June: Milling and repaving of the street
April 2023 Update: What should I expect from Phase 2?
What will the street look like between Sparks Street and Riedesel Avenue?
Between Sparks Street and Riedesel Avenue, there will be two parking lanes, one on each side of the street. For more details, see the project plans.

Image: Mock-up of what the separated bike lanes will look like on this section of Brattle Street, with two parking lanes.

What will the street look like between Riedesel Avenue and Mt. Auburn Street?
Between Riedesel Avenue and Mt Auburn Street, there will be one parking lane on the south side of the street and a two-way separated bike lane on the north side of the street. For more details, see the complete roll plan.

Image: Photo from the part of Brattle Street that already has separated bike lanes. The layout of the street between Riedesel Avenue and Mt Auburn Street will be similar, with one parking lane.

What will pedestrian crossing islands look like?

As part of this project, we plan to add pedestrian crossing islands between the bike lanes and vehicle travel lanes at Appleton Street, Lowell Street, Fayerweather Street, Lexington Avenue, and Fresh Pond Lane. To see the planned layout, check out the project plans.
What should I expect during construction?
Construction will last approximately two to three months, beginning in early April.
Sign up for the email list to receive updates on when work will occur.
During construction, you should expect:
- Temporary parking restrictions to allow for construction of crossing islands and repaving of the street.
- Possible detours during milling, paving, and line striping. Milling and paving will occur during the day and line striping with occur at night.
Work will include:
- Removing existing crossing islands and curb realignment
- Building new pedestrian crossing islands
- Milling and paving the street
- Painting lines, colored markings, and stencils on the street
- Adding concrete curbs and flex posts to separate bike lanes from traffic
- Installing new signposts and signs (posts will be added before signs)
- Installing new traffic signal equipment and making changes to signal timing at Fresh Pond Parkway/Brattle Street intersection. Work will be performed by the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR).
April 3, 2023 Update: Phase 2 Work to begin
Preliminary Work on Phase 2 of the project will begin in early April.
- Beginning the week of April 3, crews with DeRoma & Sons will begin removing existing crossing islands and realigning curbs to accommodate the new design. This work is weather-dependent.
- The city's signal work contractor Dagle Electrical will begin work in early April at the intersection of Brattle Street and Fayerweather Street. This will include the installation of new signal equipment to accommodate bike signals and a left turn signal for people driving.
- City crews will install new signposts to accommodate parking changes at Brattle Street and Fresh Pond Lane. These changes include a new accessible/disability space on Brattle Street and new parking spaces on Fresh Pond Lane. These changes will take place ahead of other changes to parking.
These initial construction tasks will take one to two months. Later this spring (after the construction of crossing islands is complete), we will begin repaving the street.
December 7, 2022 Update: Installation of precast curbing will begin the week of December 19
Beginning the week of December 19th, the city's contractor, EM Lofgren, will begin installation of precast curbing along Brattle St between Mason St and Craigie St. This is part of the Phase 1 installation of the project.
Installation will take approximately three days to complete. This work is weather dependent, and dates are subject to change. Please look for signs directing you where to drive and/or park, and make sure to drive, walk, and bike carefully around construction crews.
November 4, 2022 Update: Phase 1 Installation Begins Next Week
Beginning next week, the City will install Phase 1 of the Brattle Street Safety Improvement Project, between Mason Street and Sparks Street. Previously, we announced that we would delay installation to the spring, but we have adjusted our approach after re-evaluating the feasibility of using temporary materials.
We plan to use tube-style cones to separate people biking from vehicle traffic until concrete curbing becomes available this winter. These cones are taller and have a heavier base than a typical traffic cone.
Parking Restrictions
On Tuesday, November 8, City crews will remove all parking signs on the north side of the street and replacing them with "No Stopping" signage. You will start to notice temporary signage beginning on Monday, November 7, to let people know that these changes are coming.
After changing parking signs on Tuesday, we expect to begin pavement marking work Wednesday, November 9, at 8 p.m. This includes:
- Adding a two-way separated bike lane between Mason Street and Sparks Street
- Reconfiguring the intersection of Brattle Street with Craigie Street
- Painting all remaining crosswalks
- Finalizing all other remaining road markings, including parking stalls, turn arrows, and lane lines
Additional nights of work may be needed on an ongoing basis. This work is weather-dependent, and we will communicate any changes we make to the schedule.
We anticipate having all curbing installed by January 2023. Curbing will be installed by a city contractor, E.M. Lofgren, under city supervision.
More Information
We still plan to install Phase 2 of the project in 2023, with community engagement continuing this winter. We look forward to hearing your feedback. Please let us know if you have any questions in the meantime!
November 4, 2022: What will change during Phase 1 installation?

We will install Phase 1 of the Brattle Street Safety Improvement Project starting Wednesday, November 9 (weather permitting).

New Bike Lanes
We are adding a two-way bike lane between Mason Street and Sparks Street on the north (odd) side of the street. Installation will begin on Wednesday, November 9 (weather permitting).

Parking Changes
We will remove all parking on the north (odd) side of the street between Mason Street and Sparks Street. Signage will begin changing on Tuesday, November 8.

Reconfigured Brattle/Craigie Intersection
We will reconfigure the intersection of Brattle Street with Craigie Street. This will create two distinct intersections at Brattle Street/Craigie Street and Brattle Street/Sparks Street.
October 28, 2022 Update: Brattle Street Installation Delayed to Spring 2023
We are still waiting for the concrete curbing required to separate bike lanes from parking and vehicle travel lanes. We don't expect to receive the materials until early winter, which will delay the installation of separated bike lanes and the realignment of Craigie Street.
We now plan to install the separated bike lanes and realign Craigie Street in the early spring, when pavement parking work can resume and the curbing is available.
Over the next one to two weeks, we will be completing minor pavement marking work.
October 2022: Pavement Markings
Beginning the evening of Wednesday, October 12, the City of Cambridge will install pavement markings on Brattle Street. Work will begin at 8 p.m. on the section of Brattle Street near Harvard Square.
Work will continue in the evenings as weather permits.
Parking restrictions will be in place during this work, and we will indicate restrictions with signs posted at least 24 hours in advance. If you park your car in the area, please check for temporary "No Parking" signs.
First, we will restripe the portion of the street between Harvard Square and Mason Street, adding back markings that were recently removed during repaving. This will return the street to its previous configuration, with the same layout of a two-way bike lane, single travel lane, and crosswalks. As time allows, we will also begin to install new pavement markings between Mason Street and Sparks Street, including vehicle travel lane lines and crosswalks.
We do not expect to install separated bike lane markings or markings reconfiguring the Brattle/Craigie/Sparks Street intersection this week.
October 2022: Curb Reconstruction
The City's contractor, Fred DeRoma & Son, will start reconstructing the curbs at Longfellow Park and Willard Street on Friday, October 7. Curb reconstruction should conclude the following week. All work is weather dependent. Please look for signs directing you where to drive and/or park, and make sure to drive, walk, and bike carefully around construction crews.