Lowell School Park

Lowell School Park

Lowell School Park is located at the intersection of Mt. Auburn Street and Lowell Street in the West Cambridge neighborhood. Park renovations were completed in 2004.

The park features an open lawn area, a hard surface area with two basketball backstops, improved pedestrian and vehicular access, extensive plantings, new benches and park furniture, new fencing, a children’s climbing structure and an artwork element with water.

 This project has been completed. No further updates to this project page will be made.


The renovated park features an open lawn area, a hard surface area with two basketball backstops, improved pedestrian and vehicular access, extensive plantings, new benches and park furniture, new fencing, a children’s climbing structure and an artwork element with water.

There were two public meetings regarding the renovation. The first meeting took place on January 23, 2003. Residents commented on current park use, issues regarding the park, neighborhood open space needs, and the desired future use of the park. At the second meeting, which took place on April 3, 2003, attendees commented on a concept design for the new park.

Please note that the Half Crown-Marsh Neighborhood Conservation District also approved the planned Lowell School Park renovations.

Key design concepts introduced by Community Development Department (CDD) staff during the process included:

  • A reorganized parking lot and safer pedestrian access into the park;
  • Creation of a quiet, contemplative space in the park with moveable garden furniture;
  • Artwork/ water element;
  • Preservation and upgrading of a hard surfaced multi-use play area with basketball hoop;
  • A large open lawn area that unifies the different areas of the park; and
  • Creation of an interesting, lush, visual landscape along the exterior boundaries of the park including new fencing and plantings

There was broad consensus reached on the design concept, with an agreed upon set of issues to be examined further by CDD staff including:

  • Providing a climbing structure instead of a playhouse;
  • Examining the possibility of a second backstop on the basketball court; and
  • Exploring improvements to the fence along Mount Auburn Street that maintains its visual permeability and openness to light and air.

  • Lowell School Park
  • Lowell School Park
  • Lowell School Park
  • Lowell School Park
  • Lowell School Park
  • Lowell School Park

For information about park maintenance, reservations for events, and athletic field permits, please visit the Permits and Maintenance page on our website.

For more information, contact Stuart Dash, Director of Community Planning, at 617/349-4640 or by email at sdash@cambridgema.gov.