Lechmere Canal Park Committee
The Lechmere Canal Park Committee is comprised of representative of the properties abutting the park. The Committee provides advice and counsel to the City of Cambridge regarding the management of Lechmere Canal Park. Specifically, the Committee advises the City on park maintenance, assists in establishing guidelines for park use, and helps develop long range policies to maintain and preserve the park.
Responsibility for the park maintenance resides with the City, administered by the City's Public Works Department. The Department contracts the maintenance work out to a private company responsible for maintaining the park in accordance with specifications, prepared by the park designer.
Funding for maintenance of the park is provided by the abutting landowners/developers and the City. Individual costs are based on the cost of annual maintenance divided proportionally according to the linear frontage along the park. Maintenance Agreements between the City and each individual landowner document the specific terms and conditions for which each party is responsible.
Lechmere Canal Park Committee Members
- City of Cambridge
- Department of Conservation and Recreation
- Intercontinental (Canal Park)
- New England Development (CambridgeSide)
- FirstService Residential (Thomas Graves Landing)
- Thomas Graves Landing
For More Information
For more information about the Lechmere Canal Park Committee, please contact Melissa Peters at 617/349-4640 or mpeters@cambridgema.gov.