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Apply for Fuel Assistance

Human Service Programs

The Fuel Assistance Program, also known as the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), helps income-eligible households pay their winter heating bills between November 1 and April 30.

  • Renters and homeowners in Cambridge and Somerville are eligible to apply if they meet federal income guidelines (view details below).
  • Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis in the order they are received.

Apply Online for Fuel Assistance    

Applications accepted through April 30, 2025. 


Other Ways to Apply

After you complete your Fuel Assistance application and required documents:
  • Mail application documents to: Fuel Assistance c/o Dept of Human Service Programs, 51 Inman St. Cambridge, MA 02139
  • Email application documents todhspfuel@cambridgema.gov
  • Drop off application documents at: the Fuel Assistance office (51 Inman St., Basement Level, Cambridge, MA 02139) or in the Fuel Assistance dropbox located outside of the Basement Level entrance of 51 Inman St. on Inman Place.  

Income Eligibility

To be eligible for the Fuel Assistance Program, your household income cannot exceed 60% of Massachusetts’ estimated State Median Income (PDF) 

Fuel Assistance Income Eligibility
Household Size Maximum Income Level
1 $49,196
3 $79,470
4 $94,608
5 $109,745
6 $124,882

Not all income counts toward eligibility. Please confirm your actual eligibility with our Fuel Assistance Office. To speak with a staff member or check the status of your application, call 617-665-6234.

No Heat / Utility Shut-Off Assistance

Program staff can also help eligible applicants who are experiencing a no-heat situation or who are facing immediate utility shutoff. If you are experiencing a no-heat situation, call 617-665-6234 and fuel assistance can be provided within 24 hours. 

Multilingual Help

How to Start

  • Clients who previously participated in the Fuel Assistance program were mailed applications and directions for how to re-apply. Returning applicants will use the PIN number on the application they received in the mail to start their application.
  • Complete your application. Options for submitting your application are outlined above.


  • Eligibility for the program is based on Federal Poverty guidelines and your recent 4 week gross income.
  • Applicants must fill out supporting documents, available under “Useful Documents and Resources”
  • Phone and in-person application assistance is available upon request. Call 617-665-6234 to make an appointment with Fuel Assistance staff.
  • Please note: Households that include non-citizens may be eligible for fuel assistance benefits if the non-citizens are “Qualified Aliens” or if at least one member of the household is a United States citizen (which may include a child born in the US). Green cards (INS Form I-551) are one of the documents that establish “Qualified Alien” status for a member of the household.

Frequently Asked Questions

Page was last modified on 12/4/2024 10:52 AM
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