The Commission on Immigrant Rights & Citizenship (CIRC) works to support Cambridge’s immigrant community. The Commission includes 11 volunteer Commissioners who are themselves immigrants or have experience serving immigrant communities. CIRC provides resources, organizes trainings and informational programs, and partners with other City departments and community providers. To support this work, the Immigrant Services Liaison conducts outreach across Cambridge, and meets regularly with service providers, immigrant groups, and individuals to inform them about the broad range of City and nonprofit resources available. View the Cambridge Immigrant Rights and Citizenship Commission Ordinance.
CIRC staff help immigrant residents with accessing local services and resources for:
- Housing
- Benefits
- ESOL classes
- Citizenship classes
- Legal services
- Counseling
CIRC also offers the following services:
- CIRC can coordinate a “Know Your Rights” (KYR) Training for your organization. They are provided by Immigration Attorneys from organization such as the Massachusetts Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA), the Political Asylum and Immigration/ Representation (PAIR) Project, and De Novo Center for Justice and Healing. Schedule a Know Your Rights training by contacting our office.
- CIRC provides “Red Cards” that list your rights that you can give to immigration officers. Red cards are available in Amharic, Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, Spanish and Somali. Find them at KYR Trainings, in the CIRC Office, and by mail upon request. Please note: This guidance is not legal advice or a legal opinion of the City of Cambridge. You should consult with legal counsel about specific questions and concerns and to determine how the information in this material affects you.
Volunteers Needed to Serve on Cambridge Commission on Immigrant Rights and Citizenship
Monthly Meetings
CIRC meets on the fourth Tuesday of most months at 6 p.m. Meetings are held virtually and are open to the public.
Click here to register for the next meeting.
Click here to review minutes from previous meetings.