The City is developing an Urban Forest Master Plan (UFMP) that will guide the development of the urban forest into the future. The UFMP will include a strategic plan to evaluate, maintain and expand the urban forest canopy enabling it to be more resilient to climate change, reduce the urban heat island effect, mitigate stormwater runoff, reduce nutrient runoff, and contribute to the community well-being. The UFMP will coordinate with the efforts of the citywide comprehensive plan (Envision Cambridge) and the Climate Change Preparedness & Resilience Plan.
An UFMP Task Force has been selected to advise and provide guidance and feedback to a project team charged with developing the UFMP. Task Force meetings are open to the public.
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School
459 Broadway, Media Cafeteria
Tuesday, June 12th
6:00 – 8:00pm
City staff and consultants will provide an introduction of the project and a brief overview of the UFMP purpose, scope, schedule and team.
For additional information on the project, please contact Catherine Daly Woodbury, DPW Project Manager at (617) 349-4818 or
Information and Assistance:
The City of Cambridge does not discriminate on the basis of disability. The City of Cambridge will provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative format, and reasonable modifications in policies upon request.