Marketing Boot Camp
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Tuesday, November 18, 2014
City Hall Annex
344 Broadway
2nd Floor Conference Room
City Wide
Rona Abrahams,, 617/349-4637
Presented by the Center for Women and Enterprise. Free for Cambridge residents and business owners, $50.00 for all non-Cambridge participants
As an entrepreneur, everything you do is a marketing opportunity. As more challenging competition and technical tools become the norm, it is essential to reach potential customers and develop loyalty in ways that are practical, convincing, clear, and urgent. In this half-day workshop, you will understand market research and how to identify and quantify your target audience, how data mining can work for you and develop a tailored marketing plan that you can start immediately. * Please bring any current marketing marketing materials you have for your business that you would like to share, get feedback or improve. (Advertisements, logos, brochures, business cards.)
The City of Cambridge does not discriminate on the basis of disability. The city will provide auxiliary aides and services, written materials in alternative format and responsible modifications in policies and procedures to qualified individuals with disabilities upon request.
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