CLC Information Session

Sign-up Form

The Community Learning Center (CLC) has free classes for adults. Fill out this form to learn more about our classes.

You will get an email when you have submitted the form. If you have already come to an information session, please do not fill out this form.

Questions? Email or call 617-349-6363.

What program are you interested in?*
The Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Training Program can help you start your career as a health professional.*

We have two program tracks. Which program are you interested in?

You must live in Cambridge to take English Classes at CLC
Where do you live?*

You must live in one of the cities listed below to participate in the program.

There are other Bridge to College programs in Massachusetts. Please click this link to find a program near you.

Where do you live?

You must live in one of the cities listed below to participate in the program. (If you are a City of Cambridge employee you can also participate.)

There are other HiSET/GED programs in Massachusetts. Please click this link to find a program near you.

You must live in Cambridge to participate in this program*

If you do not live in Cambridge, there are other CNA training programs in Massachusetts.

Please click this link to find a training program near you.

What city do you live in?

You must live in one of the cities below to participate in the program.*

Priority given to Cambridge residents.

If you do not live in one of these cities, there are other CNA training programs in Massachusetts. Please click this link list to find a training program near you.

What city do you live in?

What's the highest level of education you have completed?
What is your English level?
What day would you like to come for an information session?*

During the session you will learn about our classes. At the in-person information session you will take the placement test.

What day would you like to come?*

You can learn more about classes and take a placement test to see what level you need at an information session.

Here are the next dates.

What day would you like to come for an information session?*
What day would you like to come for an information session?*

You can learn more about the CNA program at an information session. Which date would you like to come?

What day would you like to come for an information session?*

You will learn about our CNA training program and take a placement test.

Do you want to get an email every month about CLC programs?

Early Childhood Education Training Program (ECE) Options

Recruitment for the 2024-25 Early Childhood Education Career Training Program is closed. Please email Sarah at to be contacted when recruitment opens for the 2025-26 Early Childhood Education Career Training Program.

If you want an email confirmation, select “Send me a copy of my responses” below.