Importance of Water Conservation During Drought Periods

11/7/20243 weeks ago

The Cambridge Water Department (CWD) carefully monitors the City’s water supply system on a weekly basis to ensure an adequate supply of water is available to meet the needs of our residents, businesses, and local organizations.  
As many know, there has been very limited rainfall in the area, particularly this fall season. Due to the lack of rain, the region is currently in a mild drought and the usable capacity remaining in our reservoir system has been declining.
The City strongly recommends taking action now and conserving water use due to concerns of a prolonged drought and significant rain not expected in the coming weeks.

Please be mindful of your water use and help promote water conservation! This will help allow our water reservoir system to recharge, while maintaining our water quality.

It is also important to note that Cambridge is not at risk of running out of water because, in addition to our own water supply, we are a member of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) system, which is capable of meeting 100% of the City’s water demand.
You can conserve water in the kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, checking for leaks, and replacing appliances. Tips are available at Water Conservation - Water - City of Cambridge, Massachusetts.