Summer in the City: Harvard Square Business Association Movie Night featuring The Busted Jug Band

7:00 PM - 10:00 PM Thursday, August 15, 2019

Palmer St., Harvard Square, Cambridge

Contact:, 617-349-4380

FREE outdoor music performance and movie screening. High energy music from the ‘20s and ‘30s that gets everyone dancing! Enjoy swinging rhythms and fun instruments like a washboard, washtub bass, banjoleles, kazoos, and rubber chickens!

MOVIE HINT: You won’t need a spoon full of sugar to enjoy this magical story of a family who receives a new nanny.

Presented through Cambridge Arts' Summer in the City performance series and in partnership with the Harvard Square Business Association. Summer in the City offers a wide array of FREE, multicultural, interactive arts programs, performances, and activities both day and night for children, families, and the entire community. The full performance schedule can be viewed here.