We Want Your Input On Public Art To Commemorate Women Winning The Right To Vote

7/13/20204 years ago

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 4 years ago.

We want your input on a permanent public artwork to commemorate the centennial of American women winning the right to vote with the passage of 19th Amendment in 1920 and to recognize the ongoing struggle for voting rights for all. Review and comment on the proposals at Cambridgema.gov/19thAmendmentCommittee.

The City of Cambridge's 19th Amendment Centennial Art Selection Committee will be considering four proposals. The winning selection will be constructed at Cambridge Common.

During this historic moment in which public art has become a focal point for necessary debate on how we as a country want to be represented in public spaces, we invite you to participate in the process for a new public artwork. Your voice makes a difference. Submit your feedback to the Selection Committee by Aug. 3, 2020.