Cambridge Street Performer Program Relaunches

7/12/20213 years ago

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 3 years ago.

Snow, Living Statue, performs on Massachusetts Avenue during the 2019 Cambridge Arts River Festival.

Cambridge Arts is excited to announce that we’re once again issuing permits for street performers as the City reopens from the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more at:

Performers interested in obtaining a permit to perform in public areas should visit the Cambridge Arts office at 344 Broadway, second floor, Cambridge, during normal business hours to complete an application. The permit is free. Individual performers as well as those playing in groups must obtain permits. It takes about 5 minutes and you walk out with a permit in hand.

No auditions required. All are welcome and encouraged to apply. A performer does not have to be a Cambridge resident in order to obtain a performance permit. We look forward to serving you and having your creativity enliven public spaces of Cambridge.

Cambridge’s Street Performer program had been suspended since the beginning of the pandemic in spring 2020 to prevent its spread.