Create Art for Cambridge Walking And Biking Paths

5/12/20222 years ago

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 2 years ago.

View of the current Linear Park: Paved path between trees and light poles with band of snow of right side.
View of the current Linear Park.

Create Art For Walking And Biking Paths In North Cambridge Parkland

Cambridge Arts is looking for artists to create public art for two walking/biking paths near each other in northwest Cambridge, Massachusetts:

• Linear Park, an existing three-quarter-mile path between Alewife MBTA station and the Cambridge-Somerville line near Massachusetts Avenue


• Danehy/New Street Path, a future half-mile path between Concord Avenue and the northern edge of Danehy Park

Both paths will be designed to create landscaped open space corridors for play, recreation, and commuting. Opportunities for public art along these paths include nodes of open areas and the potential for periodic artistic moments. The public art will not need to incorporate both paths. See maps and images below.

More information about Linear Park is available at:

More information about Danehy/New Street Path is available at:

We invite artists to submit images of past work and biographical information to be considered. We are not asking for proposals at this time.

DEADLINE to submit is June 6, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. EST. Apply at (see details below).

One artist will be selected and commissioned for the project. Once on contract, the artist will develop a public art proposal and implement the project in close collaboration with city staff, the Public Art Commission, and other stakeholders. Project construction is anticipated to take place from 2023 to 2025.

BUDGET: $90,000. This budget includes artist fee and all costs from design to installation.

Map of  Linear Park path.


1. Interested artists apply through our Public Art Artist Registry.
2. Four finalists will be selected based on qualifications, which we define as past work and experience.
3. Cambridge Arts will help each finalist prepare for an interview.
4. A selection committee composed of members of the Public Art Commission, city staff, design team, and stakeholders will conduct interviews and select one artist to be commissioned.


June 6, 2022, at 5 p.m. Deadline to submit visuals and biographical information

June 2022 Selection Committee reviews applications.

July 2022 Selection Committee selects one artist to be commissioned.


Submit images of past work and biographical information to our artist registry at

If you are not in our artist registry, registration is free and easy – upload digital files of work samples and complete the form for artist information. Once you are in our registry you will be considered for the Linear/Danehy project as well as for future public art commissions administered by the City of Cambridge.

If you are already in the registry, send an email noting your interest in this project to Hilary Zelson, Public Art Administrator:

For technical support using Slideroom, please e-mail For other questions, please contact Hilary Zelson at or 617-349-4388.

Leaves and trees along abandoned railroad tracks. View of the future location for the Danehy/New Street Path.
View of the future location for the Danehy/New Street Path.

Map of Danehy Park / New Street Connector Path