January 31, 2025
TO: All PFFM Members
FROM: The Office of the President
RE: T. Dustin Alward and John J and Nora Jennings Scholarship Opportunities
PFFM Members,
The John J and Nora Jennings and T. Dustin Alward Scholarship Applications have been posted on the PFFM website. For further information, please use the link below. Both applications have a due date of March 31, 2025. Good luck to all applicants!
For further information: Scholarship Opportunities
In Solidarity,

Richard D. MacKinnon, Jr.
Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts

Election of Officers Results
President: Chris Haynes
Treasurer: Ameer Moustafa
Executive Board: Mike Dwyer
PFFM Delegates: Dan Lopez, Robert Goodwin, and Nick DiPace
IAFF Delegates: Donnie Fitzgerald and Nick DiPace
Congratulations to the winners and incumbents!
Brothers and Sisters,
Rashid Sbay from Professional Ambulance is asking for our help to donate and share the link below. He is heading down to Morocco to help earthquake victims and will be working with physicians and other medical professionals to provide front line care. Donations will be used for temporary shelter, water purifiers, and cooking equipment.


RE: Ultrasound Health Screenings
Brothers and Sisters,
We are proud to partner with United Diagnostic Services again to host ultrasound health screenings across Massachusetts in October. These screenings are taking place in Harwich, Brockton, Lexington, Peabody, Billerica, Shrewsbury, and Pittsfield. Thank you to all of the host locals for helping to make this possible.
The cost of the screening is $300.00 and you can sign up online at this link - https://udsscheduling.liveeditaurora.com/
Follow the directions below to sign up and see further information in the attachment.
Pre-registration is required. To schedule your appointment:
1. Go to: https://udsscheduling.liveeditaurora.com/
2. Select “create an account”
3. Complete the requested fields. (Bfit Voucher holders should enter BFIT on the address line)
4. Click “Submit”
5. Under “Choose your location” select Location Name from the chart: “PFFM - xxx”
6. Under “Choose Your Type of Appointment” select: “Ultrasound Screening”
7. Click “Search”
8. Select your desired appointment date/time (note: room number does not matter! Pick either 1 or 2)
9. Click “Book”
10. A blue dialog will appear, Click “Book Appointment”
11. You will get a welcome email and appointment confirmation email with exam instructions
PFFM Ultrasound Scheduler
If you have any questions about the program you can call UDS directly at (646) 553-5803 or call the PFFM Office at (617) 523-4506
In Solidarity,

Richard D. MacKinnon, Jr.
Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts

Brothers and Sisters,
Two years ago my girlfriend and her best friend co-founded The Wandering Heart Project. It is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that provides clothing and essentials to foster and homeless kids all over Massachusetts. They have since made over 1000 deliveries including dozens of kids specifically in the City of Cambridge. I have personally delivered to many of these kids and get to see how just a simple bag of clothing can light up their day.
This coming Saturday, The Wandering Heart Project is holding its first-ever fundraiser in Carver MA. It will be held at Brewery 44 in Carver from 1-9 pm. There will be beer, music, and food as well as a 50/50 and raffle prizes. I realize Carver is quite far for many of you so I have attached a raffle list since you do not need to be present to win any of the prizes. You can send donations via Venmo to @wanderingheartproject or my Venmo if you have it. Please specify which prize basket you are putting in for or the 50/50, along with your phone number.
Many of you have already donated and I thank you so much! This is an amazing organization that has the potential to reach so many more kids in need.
Ben Quigley
Rescue 1/ Group 1
Please see attached for additional raffle information
Wandering Heart.png