Contracts of $25,000 or more - Purchasing conducts a formal advertised competition using sealed bids for proposals. In a bid competition, the contract is awarded to the qualified bidder who meets the specifications and offers the best price. (M.G.L.c.30B,5). In a proposal process, the contract is awarded to the offeror submitting the most advantageous proposal taking into consideration the specified evaluation criteria as well as price. (M.G.L.c.30B, 6).
It is the Contractor's responsibility to make certain they have received any/all addenda relating to their bid prior to the bid opening date.
If you are downloading a bid we strongly encourage you to notify the City of Cambridge Purchasing Department. Please go to the vendor registry and provide us with your Company Name, Address, Phone number, Fax number and which bid number you downloaded.
Except in the case of Construction bids requiring a plan deposit, all City of Cambridge bids are available for downloading from the City of Cambridge website with no required registration process. As a result, the City accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the bidder's list.