Drinking Water Quality FAQs


  • Does Cambridge Water monitor chloramine levels?

  • Is chloramine safe in water used for kidney dialysis?

  • What is chlorine and why is it added to water?

  • Can I use tap water treated with chloramine in my fish aquarium?

  • My water is brownish in color, what should I do?

  • Why do I sometimes see work crews flushing fire hydrants?

  • Why does tap water sometimes look milky or cloudy?

  • All of the strainers in my faucets are clogging with white particles. What could this be?

  • Why do I sometimes see black particles in my tap water?

  • What is the white residue I sometimes find on cookware, in the shower and even in ice cubes?

  • Sometimes I smell an odor from my tap. What could this be?

  • What can I do if my water smells and tastes like chlorine?

  • How "hard" is the water in Cambridge?

  • How does lead enter the water system?

  • What is CWD doing to reduce lead levels?

  • What is a Lead and Copper Action Level?

  • Is there anything I can do to make my water safer if I have a lead service line?

  • Is fluoride in Cambridge drinking water?

  • What is the optimal level of fluoride in drinking water?

  • What is EPA's drinking water standard for fluoride?

  • "Where can I find fluoride sampling results?

  • Disinfection byproducts Disinfection byproducts (DBPs)

  • What are pharmaceuticals and other emerging contaminants?

  • How do pharmaceuticals and other compounds enter Cambridge's surface water supply reservoirs?

  • How do pharmaceuticals and other compounds enter Cambridge's surface water supply reservoirs?

  • What does the detection of low levels mean?

  • How should I properly dispose of unused pharmaceuticals?

  • I didn't find an answer to your question about Cambridge Drinking Water?