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City Manager Yi-An Huang speaking at a podium under a tent with a banner reading "Just A Start, 52 New Street." He is standing in front of a microphone at an outdoor event. There are listeners seated around him.
听取市政项目经理 Yi-An Huang(黄翊安)关于今年预算编制流程、今年预算的主要优先事项以及本市来年目标的信息。
City Manager Yi-An Huang speaks at a podium.
City Manager Huang 提议修订《车辆安全条例》
City Manager Huang 和其他地方民选官员最近前往 Beacon Hill,出席关于实施州《减少交通事故法案》修正案的法规听证会。
A group of eleven people wearing hard hats and holding shovels participate in a groundbreaking ceremony at a construction site. They are standing on a gravel surface with a backdrop featuring construction fencing and a partially visible sign.
FY25 预算中最重要的投资
Temporary Fire Station
在消防总部翻新(预计将于 2026 年完工)期间,消防员将迁入第 10 消防站,这是一个临时消防设施,位于 15 Hovey Avenue(Spaulding Hospital 对面),而行政管理人员将搬迁至 23 Bay Street。
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