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Information on Ward and Precinct Changes

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 2 years ago.

Every 10 years after the US Census is completed, new ward and precinct boundaries are drawn to reflect changes in our population. This is an important process that takes place, with important changes that will affect many Cambridge voters.

Please see below to learn about the process and find your new ward and precinct so you know where to go to cast your ballot during the next election. More information is available online at www.cambridgema.gov/elections and will be mailed to voters as we get closer to the September 2022 primary and November 2022 election.

Voter Notification Cards with your ward and precinct information and polling location will be mailed before the September 6th Primary and the November 8th General Election.


New ward and precinct boundary lines are drawn to reflect changes in the City’s population and to anticipate the needs of the City’s election system for the next decade. The population of Cambridge increased by 12.6% between 2010 and 2020, but the changes were not evenly distributed throughout the city. The Board of Election Commissioners held multiple public meetings to finalize a reprecincting plan to redraw the precinct borders to balance the population among the precincts, as required by state law. Cambridge now has 11 wards, 33 precincts, and 9 sub-precincts. Learn more at www.cambridgema.gov/reprecincting


The State Legislature is responsible for redistricting, which divides the state into districts for Congress, State Senate, State Representative, and Governor’s Council. You will be voting on representatives in your new district beginning with the Fall 2022 elections. During this process, the City of Cambridge was divided into 2 Congressional Districts, 3 State Senate Districts, 6 State Representative Districts, and 2 Governor’s Council Districts. To find your district information, please visit www.cambridgema.gov/pollinglocations


In 9 of Cambridge’s voting precincts, the legislative districts do not line up with the ward and precinct boundaries, which means that some precincts are in more than one legislative district. Voters who live in one of these “sub-precincts” will be listed on a separate voting list and provided with a different ballot than other voters in the precinct for state elections. Sub-precincts are indicated with the letter “A” (for example, Ward 1 Precinct 2A). Learn more at www.cambridgema.gov/pollinglocations

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Page was posted on 7/26/2022 2:10 PM
Page was last modified on 7/25/2023 4:19 AM
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