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City Calendar

Displaying 38 results
  • Tuesday

    March 25

    • Healthy Aging & Cycling: Power Pedal Skills for Older Adults

      Cambridge Senior Center 806 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139

      There is more to learn about bicycling than just pedaling! Ease into biking with preparatory exercise and strength building classes:

    • An Introduction to "Forest Bathing" for Elders (Central)

      Central Square Branch, 45 Pearl St., Cambridge, MA 02139

      Curious about “forest bathing” (spoiler alert: no water required) and how to experience it indoors? Then join us for a calming and restorative indoor introduction to the practice of Forest Bathing, specially designed for people 55 and over. Come once or join every workshop in this 6-part series to explore the concept of "Shinrin-yoku" (“forest bathing”) which is the practice of being mindful and contemplative within nature, using all your senses. Stefanie Haug, LICSW (she/her) guides people on journeys of self-awareness and relationship with nature as a local psychotherapist, certified Mindful Outdoor Guide (Kripalu), and coach. Her career has spanned the nonprofit and corporate world with a focus on the wellbeing of humans and the more-than-human world.

    • Board of License Commissioners’ Public Meeting


      Tuesday, March 25, 2025

    • Intermediate ESOL Class (Central Square)

      Central Square Branch, 45 Pearl St., Cambridge, MA 02139

      Join us for an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Class. This class will be taught at an intermediate level. No testing is needed. For more information call Maria Balestrieri at 617-349-4013.

    • Sing-Along (Valente)

      Valente Branch, 826 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA 02141

      Put on your dancing shoes and join us for 20-25 minutes of songs, movement, and dancing! This event is for children and their grown-ups. This program will take place in the Community Room. No registration is required. For more information, please call the library at (617) 349-4015.

    • Toddler Story Time (Main)

      Main Library, Rey Room, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138

      We invite children and their caregivers for 20-25 minutes of stories and songs. Designed for children 18 months to 3 years and their caregivers. This program can accommodate 45 people. Tickets are available on a first come, first served basis on the day of the program. The entire party must be present to receive a ticket. This program starts promptly. Unclaimed seats will be offered to someone waiting. We appreciate your patience and understanding. Please call 617-349-4038 for more information. The City of Cambridge does not discriminate, including on the basis of disability. We may provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative formats, and reasonable modifications in policies and procedures to people with disabilities. For more information contact us at library@cambridgema.gov, 617-349-4032 (voice), or via relay at 711.

    • Affordable Housing Information Session

      Affordable Housing Information Session

    • Boudreau Branch Mystery Book Group (Boudreau/Virtual)

      Boudreau Branch, 245 Concord Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138

      March Selection: The Stranger Diaries by Elly Griffiths. This book group will meet virtually and in person at the Boudreau Branch. We will discuss current and classic mystery titles. Please register below if you would like to attend via Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent to all registered participants one hour before the event. How to get the book: Copies of the print book will be set aside at the Boudreau Branch (245 Concord Ave; current hours). Copies of the ebook are available through the Libby app. Copies of the audiobook are available through Hoopla. For more information, call 617-349-4017 or email Liz Danner at edanner@cambridgema.gov.

    • Board and Card Games for Older Adults

      Cambridge Senior Center 806 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge, MA 02139

      Please join us for Board and Card Games on Tuesdays. This is a great time to find other players who share your interest.

    • Equipment and Studio Reservations (Main)

      Main Library, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138

      During this reservation period, anyone who has completed Hive training and is certified to use equipment or studio(s) can reserve Hive equipment or studio spaces. Staff will assist participants as they are able.

    • Film & Discussion for Older Adults

      Cambridge Senior Center 806 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge, MA 02139

      Movie: Here the story covers the events of a single plot of land and its inhabitants, spanning from the distant past to the 21st century.

    • High Beginner ESOL Class (Central Square)

      Central Square Branch, 45 Pearl St., Cambridge, MA 02139

      Join us for an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Class. This class will be taught at an high beginner level. No testing is needed.. For more information call Maria Balestrieri at 617-349-4013.

    • Tech Help for Older Adults

      Cambridge Senior Center 806 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge, MA 02139

      Staff will be available to answer common questions about your wireless devices, laptops, and applications such as Zoom and Facebook.

    • Tai Chi for Older Adults

      North Cambridge Senior Center 2050 Mass Ave Cambridge, MA 02140

      This instructor-led Tai Chi class is open to all individuals to learn this ancient martial art.

    • Virtual Tai Chi for Older Adults

      North Cambridge Senior Center 2050 Mass Ave Cambridge, MA 02140

      This instructor-led Tai Chi class is open to all older adults to learn this ancient martial art.

    • High School Equivalency (HiSET/GED) Prep Program Information Session and Placement Test

      Community Learning Center (Central Square) 5 Western Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139

      Learn about our Reading/Writing, Math and Science classes for adults and take a placement test. Students work towards their high school equivalency (GED/HiSET) or want to improve their skills.

    • Beginner ESOL Class (Valente)

      Valente Branch, 826 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA 02141

      Join us for an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Class. This class will be taught at a beginner level. All are welcome. No registration is necessary. No testing is needed. For more information call Maria Balestrieri at 617-349-4013 or Kerri McQuown at 617-349-4015

    • Sit 'n' Knit (Main)

      Main Library, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138

      Bring your project and enjoy the company of other fiber crafters. Drop-in with this informal group to work on your craft, get inspired, pick up skills and socialize. Knit, embroider, crochet, spin, mend,... Refreshments will be provided. The City of Cambridge does not discriminate, including on the basis of disability. We may provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative formats, and reasonable modifications in policies and procedures to people with disabilities. For more information contact us at library@cambridgema.gov, 617-349-4032 (voice), or via relay at 711.

    • Advanced ESOL Class (Central Square)

      Central Square Branch, 45 Pearl St., Cambridge, MA 02139

      Join us for an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Class. This class will be taught at an advanced level. No testing is needed.. For more information call Maria Balestrieri at 617-349-4013.

    • Flexible Parking Corridor Scheduled Office Hours

      The City of Cambridge’s Community Development Department (CDD) and Traffic, Parking, and Transportation Department (TP+T) are hosting an Information Session and two Scheduled Office Hours to allow anyone interested in finding out more about Flexible Parking Corridors to ask questions and how they can start sharing their parking spaces.

    • The Health and Environment Committee

      City Hall, 2nd Floor Sullivan Chamber, 795 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139

      The Health and Environment Committee

    • Drop-In Tech Help at the Library (Central Square)

      Central Square Branch, 45 Pearl St., Cambridge, MA 02139

      Looking for some basic computer or mobile device guidance? Want help using an online resource? Need someone to read your resume and support navigating online job applications? Join us for our drop-in help hours between 4 and 6pm. No registration required. If you have any questions, please contact library@cambridgema.gov The City of Cambridge does not discriminate, including on the basis of disability. We may provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative formats, and reasonable modifications in policies and procedures to people with disabilities. For more information contact us at library@cambridgema.gov, 617-349-4032 (voice), or via relay at 711.

    • STEAM Academy: iFp Studio (Main)

      Main Library, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138

      Innovators for Purpose (iFp) Studio is a teen-powered design and innovation program where teens channel their energy and creative vision to imagine and build a better world. Blending art, design, science, technology, and storytelling within a social justice framework, teens engage in real-world client-sponsored projects. Teens are invited to learn more on the iFp website and submit an application .

    • Graphics Are Great! Book Group (O'Connell/Virtual)

      O'Connell Branch, 48 Sixth St., Cambridge, MA 02141

      Our monthly "Graphics Are Great!" book group is for kids aged 8-12. Check out a copy of the book beforehand, or download it from the Libby app. Our March book is Curlfriends by Sharee Miller. This book group will meet virtually and in person at the O'Connell Branch. Please register below if you would like to attend virtually. A Zoom link will be sent to all registered participants one hour before the event. Need a laptop or hotspot to participate? Call the O'Connell Branch at 617-349-4019. For questions about the "Graphics Are Great!" Book Club, please email cmeisler@cambridgema.gov.

    • Preschool Story Time (Main)

      Main Library, Rey Room, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138

      We invite children and their caregivers for 20-25 minutes of stories and songs. Recommended for children ages 3-5. This program can accommodate 45 people. Tickets are available on a first come, first served basis on the day of the program. The entire party must be present to receive a ticket. This program starts promptly. Unclaimed seats will be offered to someone waiting. We appreciate your patience and understanding. Please call 617-349-4038 for more information. The City of Cambridge does not discriminate, including on the basis of disability. We may provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative formats, and reasonable modifications in policies and procedures to people with disabilities. For more information contact us at library@cambridgema.gov, 617-349-4032 (voice), or via relay at 711.

    • Teen Advisory Board (Main)

      Main Library, Teen Room, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138

      Teens! Help us plan teen programs for the Library! Earn community service hours! Enjoy free snacks! We meet monthly during the school year. No registration is required. Stop by the Teen Room or call 617-349-4027 to learn more.

    • “Still Marching 1970-2017” Photography Exhibit (Main)

      Main Library, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138

      Liane Brandon’s photographs of the historic International Women’s Day March of 1970 and the Boston Women’s March of 2017 will be on exhibit. The photographs of the International Women's March are of great historical impact and are, additionally, beautiful works of art in and of themselves. Viewing times are as follows: Saturday, 3/15: 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Tuesday, 3/18: 5-8 p.m. Wednesday, 3/19: 5-8 p.m. Thursday, 3/20: 5-8 p.m. Saturday, 3/22: 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Tuesday, 3/25: 5-8 p.m. Wednesday, 3/26: 5-8 p.m. Thursday, 3/27: 5-8 p.m.

    • Citywide Urban Design Guidelines Open House

      Main Library, Community Room, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138

      Join the Community Development Department and community members at an open house for the draft Citywide Urban Design Guidelines.

    • Free Drop-in Tutoring for Teens (Main)

      Main Library, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138

      Need help with a class? Have a question before an exam? Tutors are available to help you! Cambridge School Volunteers and the Library are pleased to offer tutoring services in the Teen Room. No registration required. Stop by the Teen Room or call 617-349-4027 to learn more.

    • Baby Lapsit (Central Square)

      Central Square Branch, 45 Pearl St., Cambridge, MA 02139

      Bounces and rhymes for our youngest library patrons. Recommended for babies 0-18 months and their caregivers.

    • Commission on Immigrant Rights and Citizenship Meeting - CANCELLED DUE TO LACK OF QUORUM

      2nd Floor Conference Room, 51 Inman St., Cambridge, MA 02139

      This regular meeting of the Commission on Immigrant Rights and Citizenship.- CANCELLED DUE TO LACK OF QUORUM

    • POSTPONED: Women's History Month Celebration & Story Slam

      City Hall, 2nd Floor Sullivan Chamber, 795 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139

      Due to unforeseen events, the Mayor's Women's History Month Story Slam scheduled for tonight was postponed and rescheduled for Wednesday, April 23, from 6 - 7:30 p.m.

    • Froca Fitness: Event Series

      Central Square Branch, 45 Pearl St., Cambridge, MA 02139

      Back by Popular Demand: Join us at the Central Square Branch-Lewis for an hour of electrifying, hip-whining, and upbeat African and Caribbean fusion dance fitness class with founder and instructor Sylver! Registration is required!

    • Knitting Group (Boudreau)

      Boudreau Branch, 245 Concord Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138

      Bring your project, yarn and needles to enjoy an hour in the company of other crafters.

    • Planning Board Meeting


      City of Cambridge Planning Board Meeting

    • Pajama Story Time (O'Neill)

      O'Neill Branch, 70 Rindge Ave., Cambridge, MA 02140

      Come to the library in your pajamas to listen to stories, read with your children and enjoy a snack before bed! This program is recommended for children of all ages and their caregivers. Pajama Story Time is presented by the Cambridge Public Library and the Center for Families.

    • Great Books Book Group (Main/Virtual)

      Main Library, Curious George Room, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138

      This week's selection: Euripides, The Bacchae Reading Interests: We concentrate on Great Books in the following areas: a long novel over the summer, two sections of poetry and short stories, a book of the Bible, a Shakespeare play, an ancient and modern drama, a work of science, a smaller work of fiction, an even smaller work of fiction, and a rotating mix of politics, philosophy, and religion. Authors read in the past five years include Dickens, Keats and Yeats, O'Connor and Munro, Ecclesiastes, Sophocles and August Wilson, Darwin, Austen, Duras, The Federalist Papers, and Arendt. How to get the print book: Copies of the reading are set aside at the Main Library. Visit the Main Library at 449 Broadway during current service hours and a staff member can help you get a copy. How to register: Registration is required. Click the registration link below to register. This is a hybrid event. A Zoom link will be sent to all registered participants 1 hour before the event. For more information, contact Drew Griffin (dgriffin@cambridgema.gov)

    • Zing Laser Cutting 101 (Main)

      Main Library, 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138

      Learn how to use our Epilog Zing—an industry-standard laser-cutting machine. Complete this workshop to earn a badge for the Zing laser cutter. With a badge, you can reserve the Epilog Zing to use on our equipment booking page at designated times. You must complete Hive Safety Training before registering for this program. View The Hive's workshop schedule here.

March 2025
Page was last modified on 7/8/2024 2:05 PM
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