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An official website of the United States government

The Department of Veterans Services (DVS) serves as an advocate for all Cambridge veterans and their dependents. DVS advises clients as to the availability of benefits, services, and provides financial assistance to those veterans/dependents who are in need. The department assists veterans and their families in processing applications for federal Veterans Affairs claims for pensions, disability and death benefits, burial plots, grave markers, home loans, educational benefits, medical services, and life insurance benefits.

Additionally, the department coordinates public events on Patriots, Veterans, and Memorial Days, including a Memorial Day Parade. On Memorial Day, over 9,000 flags are placed on the graves of veterans interred in Cambridge cemeteries. DVS also coordinates the dedication of streets, squares and parks named after veterans who were killed in action.

Tips and FAQs

The Massachusetts definition of a Veteran is any person who was a veteran as defined in M.G.L. Chapter 4, Section 7, Clause 43; or served on active duty, to include active duty solely for training purposes, in the armed forces for at least 90 days and whose last discharge or release was under conditions other than dishonorable; or served on active duty, to include active duty solely for training purposes, in the armed forces, and was awarded a service-connected disability or who died in such service under conditions other than dishonorable; or served in the national guard or as a reservist in any branch of the armed forces, including active duty solely for training purposes, and was awarded a service-connected disability or who died in such service under conditions other than dishonorable; or is determined to be a veteran according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; provided that, in any case, the service of such person was entered into or served in Massachusetts, or such person has resided in the commonwealth for 1 day except for the purpose of determining the residential eligibility of a deceased veteran’s dependents.
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