First, collect as much information as available. For example, if you are in supermarket and there is a problem with a scale, please note the scale number, department and general location. If it is a gas pump, note pump number, grade of gas, location of establishment, and any information that you think is pertinent. You can submit this complaint through the online complaint form in the Useful Documents section of this page; via email to Anthony Tuccinardi at, or call 617-349-6133. We take all complaints very seriously and will respond as quickly as we can.
128 cubic feet. Stack your wood neatly in a row, with pieces touching and parallel to each other, and with as few gaps as possible. Multiply the length, times the width, times the height of the stack. If this equals 128 cubic feet, then that is a cord of wood. Common measurements of a cord of wood are 8 feet by 4 feet by 4 feet and 16 feet by 2 feet by 4 feet.
Yes. The size of your gasoline tank stated in your owner's manual is only an estimate. The actual volume it holds can be higher or lower than the stated size. But if you still feel the pump is inaccurate file a complaint and we will investigate it.
Tare weight is the weight of all wrapping, packaging, or any other material used to contain or transport the product. Items must be sold by net weight (the weight of the product itself). Selling a product by gross weight (net weight + tare weight) is illegal.
We inspect and seal devices annually. To determine if we have sealed the device, look for a current Weights & Measures seal. For example, in Cambridge we used two types of seals, a vinyl seal which appears on scales and gas pumps, and aluminum seals that would be found on taximeters and oil truck meters. These seals change colors every year. For even years, the color is green, for odd years, the color is red.

We place a "CONDEMNED TAG "on the device, which means the device is taken out service until it has been repaired by certified repair person. Afterward, we will re-inspect the device to verify that it is in compliance with the law.

First, verify that the posted price sign and pumps prices are the same. Next, make sure the pump starts at zero. Know the estimated size of your gasoline tank. Finally, make sure the pump has an updated Weights & Measures seal on it.

First, make sure the device is on a solid and level surface and that you are able to see the display. The device must start at zero. There should not be anything touching the device. Also, watch the person who is weighing and measuring on the device to make sure that nothing extra has been added. Finally, look for an inspection seal to make sure that the device has been tested.
The best way to avoid being overcharged is to have an itemized list of what you are purchasing with shelf price on it, so that you can compare this at the checkout register.
If you feel that you have been overcharged for an item or items, first alert the cashier of the overcharge, asking the cashier to enter the correct price. If this process does not resolve the problem, ask to see the store manager to correct the error. This should correct the problem, but if not, contact the Weight and Measures Department and we will investigate the complaint. If the overcharge is found, a civil citation will be issued for the overcharge.