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museum passes

Get a Museum Pass

Cambridge Public Library

Free or discounted museum passes are available to the public through the Cambridge Public Library to anyone with a Minuteman Library card.

How to Start

  1. See our Requirements section
  2. View available passes and reserve a pass through our online reservation system


  • You must have a valid Minuteman library card to reserve a museum pass and present it when picking up a physical pass. Temporary e-cards cannot be used to reserve a museum pass.
  • Passes may be reserved up to 30 days in advance. Passes for the same museum may be reserved once every calendar month. Only one pass per household per day.
  • Some passes may be used any day the museum is open and some are date-specific. See individual pass details for date of use information.
  • Not all library locations are open every day of the week. You will need to arrange to pick up a physical pass ahead of time on a day and time when that library location is open.
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