De Novo
47 Thorndike St., Suite SB-LL-1 (lower level)
Cambridge, MA 02141
(617) 349-4396
The City of Cambridge and De Novo will hold a Virtual Immigration Legal Screening Clinic on the third Wednesday of each month, providing limited consultations, while City and De Novo offices are closed to public gatherings.
Callers to the Virtual Clinic Message Line at 617- 405-5479 will be asked to leave their name and contact phone number. Callers can leave a message at any time before the noon deadline on the third Wednesday of the month.
A return call from De Novo staff will ask some pertinent questions to enable assignment to an Immigration Attorney, who will contact callers for a limited consultation. Attorneys will return their assigned calls within a few days of receiving their assignments. Calls received by 12 p.m. the third Wednesday of the month will be returned within 3-4 business days.
Once capacity for the clinic is reached, additional callers will be assigned to the next Virtual Clinic, should it be necessary.
Rian Immigrant Center*
One State Street, Suite 800
Boston, MA 02109
(617) 542-7654
Catholic Charities Refugee & Immigrant Services*
275 West Broadway
South Boston, MA 02127
(617) 464-8100
Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Advancement*
Boston City Hall
1 City Hall Square, Rm. 806
Boston, MA 02201
(617) 635-2980
* The City is not affiliated with and does not endorse the agencies listed above.
The following non-profit agencies may provide immigration legal services to qualifying persons, following a screening assessment at one of the agencies noted above.
Community Legal Services and Counseling Center
47 Thorndike Street, Suite SB-LL-1
Cambridge, MA 02141
(617) 661-1010
Greater Boston Legal Services
197 Friend Street
Boston, MA 02114
(617) 371-1234
MetroWest Legal Services
Fountain Street, Suite 304
Framingham, MA 01702
(508) 620-1830 ext. 234
East Boston Ecumenical Community Council
1 West Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 661-1010
Centro Presente
197 Friend Street
Boston, MA 02114
(617) 371-1234
Political Asylum/Immigrant Representation
Project (PAIR)
254 Friend Street
Boston, MA 02114
(617) 742-9296
For persons who do not qualify for low cost/no cost legal services, Immigration Attorneys can be found through:
American Immigration Lawyers Assn. – New England’s (AILA-NE) Immigration Lawyer Resource service at
* The City is not affiliated with and does not endorse the agencies listed above.
Metro-Boston & Statewide
Catholic Charities of Boston: Low cost legal consultation and representation on a variety of immigrant and refugee issues- including assistance to detainees. Languages: Arabic, Armenian, Cantonese Chinese, English, Haitian Creole, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese- access to commercial interpretation for other languages. Appointment required. Phone: (617) 464-8100
Community Legal Services and Counseling Center: Free immigration legal services across Massachusetts. Specific legal issues: asylum, victims of domestic violence (VAWA), victims of crime (U-Visas), victims of trafficking (T-Visas), juveniles. In-house languages: English, French, Spanish. Can partner externally for other languages, including Portuguese. Phone: (617) 661-1010
East Boston Ecumenical Community Council: Low cost ($20) legal immigration assistance. Clients must make an appointment M-F from 9-5. Accept clients from anywhere in Massachusetts. Languages: English, Spanish. Phone: (617) 567-2750
Greater Boston Legal Services, Immigration Unit: Free legal representation in Immigration Court, at the Board of Immigration Appeals, and in Federal Appeals Court. Priority: unaccompanied minors, victims of domestic violence, people seeking permanent refugee and safe haven status. Languages English, Haitian Creole, Portuguese, Spanish- access to commercial interpretation for other languages. Phone: (617) 371-1234 CALL BEFORE 1PM. Currently not accepting referrals; recommend calling back in early March (1/30/17).
Harvard University Law School, Immigration and Refugee Clinic: Free legal representation by Harvard Law students in Immigration Court, at the Board of Immigration Appeals, and in Federal Appeals Court. Languages: Chinese, English, Farsi, French, Spanish. Phone: (617) 384-8165
Health Law Advocates : Intake through Andrew P. Cohen, Staff Attorney,
Toll Free telephone line (888) 211-6168
Irish International Immigrant Center: The IIIC’s Immigration Legal Services offer comprehensive, professional, and confidential services for non-citizens, regardless of their legal status or ability to pay. Services are available in English, Spanish, French, and Haitian Creole. Provide free legal clinics throughout the community several times each month. For a 2017 clinic schedule click here.
MIRA Coalition: The Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA) is the largest organization in New England promoting the rights and integration of immigrants and refugees. The Coalition involves an active membership of over 130 organizations, including community-based groups, social service organizations, ethnic associations, schools, refugee resettlement agencies, health centers, hospitals, religious institutions, unions and law firms, as well as thousands of individual members, contributors, and allies. Referral help is provided in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Phone: (617) 350-5480
Suffolk Law School- Immigration Law Clinic: Free legal representation, primarily for detained immigrants, refugees in Immigration Court, at the Board of Immigration Appeals, and in Federal Appeals Court. Languages: English, Spanish- access to commercial interpretation for other languages. Phone: (617) 573-8100. Currently not accepting new referrals due to capacity (1/30/17).
Mass Legal Help: A website developed by local legal aid organizations to help individuals find practical information about their legal rights in Massachusetts.
Victim Rights Center: Free legal representation in Immigration Court for survivors of rape or sexual assault. Languages: English, Spanish- access to commercial interpretation for other languages. Phone: (617) 399-6720 ext. 19
Regional Organizations
In Worcester & Central Massachusetts, American Civil Liberties Union, Contact Chris Robarge, Central Massachusetts Coordinator, phone: (508) 444-2258, email:
On Cape Cod, Community Action Committee of Cape & Islands’ Immigration Resource Center: Provides free accredited immigration services, citizenship courses, assistance and representation. Phone: (508) 771-1727, ext. 140
In Springfield, Community Legal Aid, Inc., provides free civil legal services to low-income and elderly residents of central and western Massachusetts in multiple languages. On most days, call between 9:30AM and 12:15PM. Phone: (855) 252-5342
National Organizations
Immigration Advocates Network & Immigration Advocates Legal Directory
* The City is not affiliated with and does not endorse the agencies listed above.