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Apply for Affordable Housing

Community Development

The Community Development Department's Housing Division offers access to affordable rental and homeownership units for low, moderate, and middle-income households through City programs. Interested and eligible applicants can apply to the City’s Rental Applicant Pool, Middle-Income Rental Program, Homeownership Resale Pool, and HomeBridge program. 

Interested applicants can learn more about these programs at information sessions held regularly throughout the year. Sessions are free and open to all; no advance registration necessary.

Click here to view upcoming information sessions

Join an email list to receive information about programs and upcoming events related to affordable rental and homeownership opportunities. 

The Community Development Department’s Housing Division oversees over 700 affordable rental units throughout the city through its Inclusionary Housing Program. All rental units in the program are privately owned and managed, and CDD maintains a pool of eligible applicants to fill affordable rental units when they become available. Applications are accepted on a rolling bases. Priority is given to Cambridge residents and families with children. 

Click Here to Learn More and Download an Application 

Click Here to Read the Rental Applicant Pool FAQ 

Print applications are available at the Community Development Department, 344 Broadway 3rd Floor.

Page was last modified on 4/25/2022 4:34 PM
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