Contact the Office of the Housing Liaison
- Housing Liaison: Maura Pensak
phone: 617-349-6337
- Housing Stabilization Advocate: Sylvia Kelly
phone: 617-349-6343
- Housing Stabilization Advocate: Vinicius Abdala
phone: 617-349-7290
- Project Coordinator: Phoebe West
phone: 617-349-7225
For general inquiries, email us at or call 617-349-7222
Read the Affordable Housing Basics At a Glance for more information.
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- The Community Development Department (CDD) is the planning agency for the City of Cambridge. CDD includes five programmatic divisions - Community Planning, Economic Development, Environmental and Transportation Planning, Housing, and Zoning and Development - that work to enhance the character and diversity of the city's neighborhoods, preserve and create affordable housing. The Housing Division offers both rental and homeownership opportunities. The Housing Division has direct contact with affordable housing partners in the city and regularly post updated information about housing on their website.
- The Department of Human Service Programs (DHSP) provides a wide range of services to the residents of Cambridge. Including many services that assist with housing and housing related needs such as fuel assistance, housing search, and services for the unhoused. The Multi Service Center is located at 362 Green St and staff are available to meet with residents to assist with information and referrals and with accessing many resources and services.
- The Cambridge Human Rights Commission (CHRC) was established in 1984 to protect the civil rights of residents and visitors to the city. Included in their work are issues involving fair housing. If you have experienced discrimination at any stage of a housing search or as a tenant, contact the Commission at:
- The Cambridge Commission for Persons with Disabilities (CCPD) works to reduce and eliminate the barriers that people with disabilities experience in our community. CCPD staff answers questions, provides information & referrals, and gives technical assistance to individuals and families on many topics including needs and concerns regarding housing access and accommodations. For more information please contact:
- The Inspectional Services Housing Division enforces the State Sanitary Code (105 CMR 410). The division consists of 4 housing inspectors and each inspector is assigned to an area in the City. The most common types of complaints are: no heat, insufficient hot water, plumbing problems, cross metering, egress obstruction, rodent infestation, hoarding, rubbish, and landlords maintenance responsibilities. For more information call: 617-349-6100.
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has announced the opening of a Safety Net Family Shelter at the Middlesex South Registry of Deeds Building, located at 208 Cambridge Street in East Cambridge. This initiative aims to provide shelter for families eligible for Emergency Assistance (EA) when they cannot be immediately placed into an EA unit. The City of Cambridge has been actively working with the Commonwealth’s team to ensure the site meets necessary safety requirements and is supported by the surrounding neighborhood.
More information about the Safety Net Family Shelter can be found here.
There are two primary emergency shelter systems in Massachusetts. One for individuals and another for families. There is also a network of shelter providers who offer emergency shelter and services for domestic violence survivors.
There are many individual shelters and various access points. For a list of shelters please contact the Cambridge Multi Service Center at 617-349-6340 or check out the MSC Pocket Guide for People Experiencing Homelessness.
The family shelter system defines a family as having a dependent under the age of 21. To find out more, please follow this link to the Massachusetts Emergency Assistance (EA) Family Shelter information page.
Or, call the Office of the Housing Liaison at 617-349-7222 or the Multi Service Center at 617-349-6340 for more information.
For Domestic Violence Services please call the Transition House Crisis Line at 617-661-7203 or SAFE Link at 1-877-785-2020.
There are many local and state resources and services to assist you with housing and housing and housing related financial need.
Find Information and Apply for Eviction Prevention Assistance:
The Fair Housing Act protects people from discrimination when they are renting or buying a home, getting a mortgage, seeking housing assistance, or engaging in other housing-related activities.
The protected categories under the Cambridge Human Rights Ordinance and the Cambridge Fair Housing Ordinance are the following:
Disability – Defined consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) – a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities
- Race
- Color
- National Origin or Ancestry
- Family Status
- Source of Income, includes Section 8 and public benefits
- Marital Status, includes married and non-married individuals
- Sex: Male or female, includes allegations of sexual harassment
- Gender identity or expression
- Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual
- Age
- Religious
- Creed
- Military Status
If you feel like you have been treated differently because of your membership in any of the above protected statuses, please contact the Cambridge Human Rights Commission. If you want more information regarding your rights as a person with a disability, please email the Commission of Persons with Disabilities at
There are many routes to applying for subsidized housing. Below are important links to ensure that you are on as many lists as possible. For more information about how to apply and/or why it is important to complete any and all applications, and, to find out about other opportunities please contact the Housing Liaison Office.
Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT)
The purpose of the Massachusetts program for rental assistance is to provide housing stability to MA residents.
What can RAFT be used for?
Program funds can be used for housing-related expenses only. Appropriate uses of funds include, but are not limited to:
- Rental or mortgage arrearages.
- Security deposits.
- First and last month’s rent.
- Utility arrearages.
- Furniture. (May only be requested if connected to one of the housing crises listed above).
Tenants, Homeowners, Property Managers, Landlords can go to for more information or apply online.
There are free legal and mediation services available in Cambridge. Attorneys and trained mediators are able to assist you with tenant/landlord disputes and eviction proceedings. Contact one of the following for help if you are concerned that your housing or tenant rights are in jeopardy.
In an effort to help tenants understand their rights and responsibilities as a tenant in Cambridge, and to make sure that tenants are aware of the many resources offered, effective October 14, 2020, the City of Cambridge requires owners, landlords, and management companies to provide tenants with information at the start of a lease or tenancy as well as when a tenancy is being terminated. View the guide to tenant rights and/or link to the Massachusetts Attorney General’s guide to landlord/tenant rights and information.
Tenants Rights and Resources Notification Ordinance Overview Information and FAQs
The Attorney General's Guide to Landlord and Tenant Rights