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Office of the Housing Liaison


Staff in the Office of the Housing Liaison assist residents to access and navigate affordable housing opportunities, and to obtain eviction prevention, tenant displacement, and other housing related resources and services. The Liaison’s Office also serves as a point of contact for complex housing situations that effect tenants such as building sales, displacement from fires, and other multi household concerns.

The Office of the Housing Liaison can help all Cambridge residents who need support with their housing related needs or problems. This includes both housed and unhoused people as well as owners.

The Office of Housing Liaison also partners with city departments including the Community Development Department (CDD) and the Department of Human Service Programs (DHSP), as well as with many affordable housing agencies, and local providers to address the affordable housing crisis in our community by implementing programs and policies that improve access and availability of housing opportunities.

Questions about housing in Cambridge? Contact the Office of the Housing Liaison at 617-349-7222 or email housingliaison@cambridgema.gov.

Housing Information & Resources


Eviction Prevention: Tenant Rights & Resources

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Housed IN Cambridge for Landlords, Property Managers, and Realtors

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Housed in Cambridge Video Series

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