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Do Business with the City


Our Vendor Registry provides an opportunity for local and State Vendors to participate in the procurement of goods and services. When the City solicits a bid for your commodity or service your company will be sent notification of the bid.

How to Start


Except in the case of Construction bids requiring a plan deposit, all City of Cambridge bids are available for downloading from the City of Cambridge website with no required registration process. As a result, the City accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the bidder's list.

Additional Information

Minority / Women-Owned Businesses & Small, Locally-Owned Businesses

The City of Cambridge encourages the participation of Minority/ Women Owned Businesses (MBE's) and small / locally owned businesses. The office of the Minority and Women Owned Business Assistance (SOMWBA) certifies minority business. When requesting to be added to the City's bidder's list, please indicate that you are SOMWBA or a small and locally owned business and you will receive a copy of every quote and formal bid the Purchasing Department issues for your businesses commodity or service.

The City of Cambridge does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, religion or country of origin. The City will provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative formats, and reasonable modifications in policies and procedures to qualified individuals with disabilities upon request.

Environmentally Preferable Procurement Practices

Environmentally Preferable Products (EPP) are a products or services that have a lesser or reduced effect on human health and the environment when compared with competing products or services that serve the same purpose. Such products or services may include but are not limited to, those which contain recycled content, minimize waste, conserve energy or water, and reduce the amount of toxins either disposed of or consumed.

The City encourages the procurement of recycled products whenever feasible and when cost, performance and availability are not compromised. The City builds flexibility into bid specifications whenever possible by giving manufactures and suppliers an opportunity to provide "alternate" products.

The City of Cambridge utilizes over three dozen Massachusetts statewide contracts that offer recycled products, including copy paper, cleaning products , office supplies, envelopes, and janitorial paper products, toner cartridges, trash bags, traffic control devices, boxes, bins, antifreeze, re-refined oil, office panels, and  printing services. In addition, the City practices paper reduction techniques through the use of duplexing, sharing and circulating materials, use of electronic mail and reuse of discarded paper for draft work, scrap paper and internal messages.

Surplus City Property

Surplus property is offered for sale to the public by issuing a price quotation to interested parties; as a formal bid and are advertised in the "Cambridge Chronicle". The City maintains a bidders' list for surplus property. To be added to the list, send a written request to the address above, indicating name, address and items of interest.

City of Cambridge Payment Terms

Payment Terms are Net 30 days. Please direct any payment questions directly to the individual City departments.

Page was last modified on 1/14/2025 10:50 AM
Contact Us

How can we help?

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As a governmental entity, the Massachusetts Public Records Law applies to records made or received by the City. Any information received through use of this site is subject to the same provisions as information provided on paper.

Read our complete privacy statement

Service Requests

Enter a service request via SeeClickFix for things like missed trash pickups, potholes, etc.