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Historical Commission

Photo of the front steps of City Hall

Preservation Awards Nomination Form

The Cambridge Historical Commission (CHC) is the city's historic preservation agency and seeks to preserve the integrity and diversity of Cambridge's built environment and to disseminate information about its history. The CHC protects designated properties throughout the city and preserves the integrity of Cambridge's many significant buildings. The CHC advises private and commercial owners, institutions, and public agencies on historic preservation issues, and participates in reviews of state and federal projects that impact historic resources.

The CHC maintains a public archive on the city's history. The collection focuses on the city's architectural and social history and contains information on all 13,000+ Cambridge buildings. It also includes thousands of historic photographs and maps as well as information on many individuals and organizations.

Tips and FAQs

When was Cambridge founded? What is the oldest house in Cambridge? Did George Washington take command of the army under the Washington Elm tree? 

Find out the answers to these questions and more on our FAQ page.

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