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Green Compost Bin

Curbside Composting

Public Works

Cambridge Composting began citywide food waste pickup in 2018 and now collects 40 tons of food waste per week from residential buildings, drop-off locations, religious communities, schools, restaurants, food pantries and markets. After collection, Cambridge’s food waste is converted into clean energy.

Why keep food waste out of the trash?

Because food scraps make up 40% of household trash, there’s a substantial impact to separating it from the trash. By keeping food out of the trash, we can:

• Control Rodents.
Placing food into locking compost carts is better than trash carts for controlling rodents.

• Reduce trash. We are running out of places to put it.

• Protect the climate. Food in the trash contributes to climate change.  

Composting is easy!

How do I get started?

If your building already has a curbside cart or if you’d like to drop off your food scraps: Pick up a kitchen compost bin (comes with compost bags and instructions) at Cambridge Public Works.

If you’d like DPW to deliver your kitchen compost bin: Order your kitchen bin here.

If you live in a building that doesn’t have composting: recycle@cambridgema.govto let us know you’d like to get your building started.

“I love how easy it is to compost in Cambridge and when I started, I was amazed at how much of my overall trash was compostable. Our little green compost box is one of the most popular items in our kitchen! Creating a more sustainable future is really about the intersection of government policy and individual action, and this program is a perfect example where we can come together as a community to make a difference.” – Yi-An Huang, Cambridge City Manager

How do I get more compost bags?

In each kitchen bin is a starter set of compost bags, an instruction booklet, and a list of stores that sell compost bags. You are welcome to reuse compostable produce bags for your kitchen bin, or use paper bags to line the kitchen bin, the curbside cart or both. Compost bag giveaway events are scheduled every few months throughout the year. For dates and locations, sign up for our monthly Recycling Newsletter. We understand that compost bags are expensive, however you will not need to purchase as many trash bags.


To go back to the main waste collections webpage, click here.

Page was posted on 1/30/2018 9:57 AM
Page was last modified on 4/24/2023 8:29 PM
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