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Project Reports

The pilot compost program began with 600 participating households in 2014. The program expanded in 2015 to all 1 to 12-unit households on the Monday collection route, approximately 5,200 households. In two years, the City has diverted more than 800 tons of compostable materials, averaging 10 pounds per bin per week. Participating residents report high rates of satisfaction with the program because it’s convenient and easy, it cuts down on trash, and it’s good for the environment. After expanding the program to 20,000 more households across the City in Spring 2018, we anticipate diverting 40-50 tons of food scraps out of the landfill each week.

The original 1 year pilot program began April 2014. A year later, over 600 participating households collected over 170,000 pounds of food scraps. Instead of being landfilled or sent to an incinerator, this material was made into rich compost by Rocky Hill Farm in Saugus, MA. During the pilot, the average amount of organics collected was 6.6 lbs per household per week, reducing trash by nearly 35%. The program maintained a satisfaction rate of 95%. This project was funded in part by a grant from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. Project partners also include Cambridge School Department, Cambridge Public Library, BioBag USA, and Novamont.

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