Resale Pool FAQ

Below are some frequently asked questions about the Resale Pool. If you do not see your question below, or if you would like additional information, please contact Antonia Finley, Homebuyer Coordinator, at 617/349-4643 or

How do I apply for the Resale Pool?

If you are interested in applying for the Resale Pool, click here for the application and guidelines.

Is the Resale Pool a waiting list?

No. The Resale Pool differs from a waiting list because an applicant's place in the Pool does not necessarily determine when they will be offered a unit. The minimum and maximum incomes required varies between units and not all applicants will be eligible for all units.Therefore, an applicant who is #5 in the Pool may have the opportunity to purchase a unit before an applicant who is #3 in the Pool.

What units are available through the Resale Pool?

Existing affordable homeownership units are offered through the Resale Pool when current owners decide to sell. Newly developed units are offered through separate application processes when available. To be notified when newly developed units are available through a lottery, sign up here

Where are the available units?

The units offered through the Resale Pool are located throughout the City, in many different types of buildings. Because the units become available when a current owner moves, we cannot predict which units will become available at any given time.

How long will it take to get a unit through the Resale Pool?

There is no way to determine when an applicant will be offered a unit. It depends on the number of units available each year; the number of bedrooms in those units; and the maximum and minimum incomes required for those units, as well as each applicant's preference group, income level and assets. Some applicants may be offered units shortly after application, while others may have to wait.

I know where I want to live. Can I apply for a specific building or neighborhood?

No. Applicants in the Resale Pool will be offered units for which they are eligible as they become available. If a unit is not in a location that works for you, you may decline to purchase the unit.

How do you determine what unit size I am eligible for?

The Resale Pool occupancy standards require a minimum of one person per bedroom, with the exception that couples or those in a similar living arrangement are required share a bedroom.  Applicants may choose to under-house themselves by having more than the minimum required number of  people share a bedroom.  Occupancy for any unit may not exceed state sanitary code.

I am pregnant. Can I include my unborn child in my household on my application?

Yes. Include the child on the application and include documentation from a medical professional stating the estimated due date. The child will be considered as a household member for purposes of unit size and selection preference when birth is estimated within four months. However, you may apply earlier than that and we will move your application to the appropriate preference group at a later date.

I want to have my boyfriend/girlfriend move in with me next year. Should I include him/her on the application?

No. Only current household members can be included on the application. When a new person becomes a permanent household member, they should be added to the application.

What happens if my household size or composition changes while I am in the Resale Pool?

When an applicant has a change that affects their eligibility based on unit size or selection preferences, they are placed in the appropriate new preference group based on the date their application was received. This may result in either higher or lower placement than in the previous group. 

Changes can only be accepted in writing with appropriate documentation. To update your application, please download, complete and return the Homeownership Resale Pool Application Update Form with copies of all required documentation to the Housing Division.  

My income and/or assets have changed. What should I do?

If you have a change in income, or a significant change in assets, please notify the City in writing with appropriate documentation.  To update this information, please download, complete and return the Homeownership Resale Pool Application Update Form with copies of all required income and asset documents to the Housing Division.  

If you need the Statement of No Income form, click here

When a unit is available, we use the most current income information on file to determine eligibility. If you do not update your information, you may not be matched to the appropriate units for your household.

I have problems with my credit. Can I still apply for the Resale Pool?

Yes. If you have concerns about your credit score, you may still apply to the Resale Pool. The City can assist you in creating a plan to help repair your credit prior to purchasing a unit. You can remain in the Resale Pool for an unlimited time.

What happens if I am contacted to view a unit but I am not interested? Or if I view a unit but do not want to make an offer?

If you are contacted about an available unit but are not interested, you do not need to take any action. There is no penalty for not making an offer on a unit. Not making an offer on a unit does not affect your position in the Resale Pool.

I saw a unit but I would like it to be renovated. Can I negotiate this with the seller, or ask for a lower price?

No. All units in the Resale Pool are offered as is, with a fixed price.

What happens if I am offered a unit and would like to purchase?

If you submit an offer on a unit, and are selected to purchase the unit, you will be required to sign a Letter of Intent and make a deposit of $1,000. You may be required to enter into a Purchase and Sales Agreement. All buyers are required to complete an approved First Time Homebuyer class and obtain conventional mortgage financing from a bank. The City can assist you in finding a mortgage product that works for you. Buyers must meet all terms and conditions of their mortgage lender.

For information on the homebuying process, please click here.

Are there restrictions on units sold through the Resale Pool?

Yes, all units sold through the Resale Pool are subject to residency, limited equity, and resale restrictions. The full restriction is given to prospective buyers to review prior to committing to purchase a unit.

I want my household to be considered for both rental and ownership opportunities. Do I need to fill out multiple applications?

Yes. Applicants interested in the City’s Inclusionary Rental program must fill out a Preliminary Application for the Rental Applicant Pool.

For information on the Rental Applicant Pool, click here.

To download the application and guidelines for the Rental Applicant Pool, click here.

I want to be removed from the Resale Pool. What do I need to do?

If you would like to be removed from the Resale Pool, you can send the request in writing to Antonia Finley, Homebuyer Coordinator, at 344 Broadway, Cambridge MA 02139, or via email to

I would like more information on the Resale Pool and other housing options.

If you would like more information, you can contact Antonia Finley, Homebuyer Coordinator, at 617/349-4643 or via email at . The Housing Division regularly holds regular information sessions where staff is available to review how to apply for available housing and answer questions from applicants. Click here to check the calendar to see when the next session is being held.

Do I have to be a Cambridge resident to apply to the Resale Pool?

You do not need to be a Cambridge resident to apply to the Resale Pool. However, Cambridge residents receive priority.