Harvard Square Advisory Committee


The Harvard Square Advisory Committee reviews and comments on land use and development proposals in the Harvard Square Overlay District per the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance (Section 20.54).  The Committee conducts Large Project Review consultations and comments on applications for variances and special permits from the Planning Board and Board of Zoning Appeal (BZA), as well as other proposals.  The Committee meets on the third Wednesday of the month or on an as-needed basis. Harvard Square Advisory Committee meetings are also listed on the citywide Calendar of Events.

View the Harvard Square Overlay District zoning map: https://www.cambridgema.gov/-/media/Files/CDD/Maps/Zoning/cddmap_zoning_overlay_harvard_202102.pdf

View the current membership of the Harvard Square Advisory Committee on the Open Meeting Portal: https://cambridgema.iqm2.com/Citizens/Board/1127-Harvard-Square-Advisory-Committee

Meeting Dates, Materials, and Committee Reports

PLEASE NOTE:  Unless otherwise stated, meetings will be held remotely in accordance with Chapter 2 of the Acts of 2023 adopted by the Massachusetts General Court and approved by the Governor. Members of the public can attend the meeting virtually through Zoom Webinar. Members of the public can also provide comments in writing or via email before the meeting.


Harvard Square Documents and Information

Harvard Square Conservation District and Neighborhood Conservation Districts

The Harvard Square Conservation District is distinct from the Harvard Square Overlay District and is administered by the Cambridge Historical Commission.

Neighborhood conservations districts, or NCDs, recognize the particular design qualities of distinctive neighborhoods and encourage their protection and maintenance. NCDs located in or near the Harvard Square Overlay District include the Half Crown-Marsh Neighborhood Conservation District and the Mid-Cambridge Neighborhood Conservation District.

For More Information

For more information about the Harvard Square Advisory Committee, please contact Mason Wells by email at mwells@cambridgema.gov or by phone at 617.349.9794.

• Agenda
• Agenda
• Agenda