By Foot

Walking Along Path

Cambridge is a great city for walking. It is compact and flat, it is well served by public transportation, and its mix of housing, stores, services, educational opportunities, work places and parks means that many destinations are within easy walking distance. Virtually every street has sidewalks; and vehicle speed limits are no more than 25 miles per hour (mph), with most areas 20 mph.

There are a number of elements to a walking environment that is both safe and inviting. Here are some key links to City policies and resources about walking in Cambridge.

pedestrian plan
Cambridge Pedestrian Plan

This plan provides guidelines and design standards to maintain and construct facilities that will make walking safer, easier, and more attractive.

walking tips
Walking Tours

Public Art Tours

Learn more about tours that were previously led by the Pedestrian Committee.

pedestrian safety Safe Routes to School

The goal of this program is to increase the number of students who get to and from school by walking or biking.

Cartoon of person looking right with a telescopeRules of the Road

Street Code

Traffic Rules and Regulations

Learn more about best practices when moving through Cambridge.

designing for pedestriansVision Zero

Vision Zero is a strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all.


pedestrian mapsMajor Infrastructure Projects Underway

This map identifies large projects underway and includes links to pages with more information about each project.

pedestrian signalsSignal Policies

Learn more about the importance of traffic signals throughout the city.

 Five Year Plan for Sidewalk and Street Construction

Comprehensive plan for designing streets that safely accommodates all user- pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and public transportation users of all ages and abilities.

Reporting Problems

Commonwealth Connect helps residents reach the City online or via their smartphone to request services or get help fixing issues.

 health benefits of walking
Urban Forest Master Plan

This plan guides the development of the urban forest into the future and will include a strategic plan to evaluate, maintain and expand the urban forest canopy.

Envision Cambridge

The City's Comprehensive Planning document looking to the future of the city.

Parks and Playgrounds

Learn about Cambridge's more than 70 public parks and playgrounds!

Planning + Urban Design

Long-term planning, neighborhood planning and urban design all consider how to ensure that Cambridge is a livable, walkable community.

sidewalk clearanceSnow

The Snow Center webpage includes information on storm updates, parking, and other news.




Interested in Walking News in Cambridge?

The Cambridge Active Transportation Report is a monthly e-newsletter providing information about upcoming meetings, events, news, and actions related to walking, bicycling, and an active lifestyle, as well as items of general interest for transportation in Cambridge. To subscribe to the Cambridge Active Transportation Report, please click here.

Fore More Information

For more information, contact