New Curbside Charging Stations
March 2025: Electric Vehicle drivers can now park and charge their vehicles at four new charging ports located at Robert Paine Park at the corner of Saint Mary Road and Amory Street in Mid-Cambridge.
Future Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Locations in Cambridge
The City of Cambridge is currently working to expand our network of EV chargers. We have identified several potential sites for installation in 2024 and 2025. The City has a goal to increase access to electric vehicle chargers and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Installing electric vehicle chargers helps us achieve these goals.
Please use this link to view a map of the locations that we are currently considering for EV charger installation. In addition to those sites shown in the map, we are also considering other locations for future years. Please note that the locations in the above map are subject to change. To receive construction updates for planned installations, please sign up for our e-newsletter. To sign up, scroll down this webpage to where it says Get Plugged In and enter your email address.
Across Sidewalk Electric Vehicle Charging Permit
The City of Cambridge has a pilot permit program to allow residents who do not have access to off-street parking to charge electric vehicles. Please read below for more information on how to apply for the annual permit, the cost, the requirements, and areas that are eligible for the application
How To Apply: Please use this link to access the online application
Cost: The cost of the annual permit is $200
Requirements for obtaining a permit:
- Must have a valid City of Cambridge Parking Permit
- Must have a letter from a certified electrician confirming that there is a ground-floor outdoor outlet that is protected by a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter ("GFCI")
- Must have proof of homeowners or renters insurance
- Must provide an ADA accessible ramp over the cord to ensure the sidewalk remains accessible for people walking
Requirements for maintaining a permit: Please use this link to access the online application which includes the requirements for maintaining a permit
Full policy: Please use this link to access the full policy
Cable protectors: Please use this link to see different suggested cable protectors
Areas that are eligible: If you live within 1/8 mile of an existing city-owned street side EV charging station, you are not eligible for the pilot application. Please use this link to see a map of eligible areas. Other locations that are not eligible include major pedestrian routes and streets with separated bike lanes.
Right-to-Charge Law
This law is specific to the City of Cambridge and was signed by the Governor in December 2022. The Right-to-Charge law is for owners of units in Condo and multi-family buildings. The law gives owners the right to install EV charging in their building at the owners expense. EV charging systems must be installed by a licensed and qualified electrician or contractor.
Some possible issues may arise in the interpretation of the law, including a desire to have EV charging installed in a particular deeded parking space, where there could be significant engineering constraints. The law indicates that using common parking spaces for transition to EV charging, as long as the space is available to all building residents, could alleviate this problem. Additionally, the law does not seem to solve the problem of the potential need to upgrade a buildings' electrical capacity to handle the new electrical load as a result of the installation of EV chargers.
Please use this link to download a PDF copy of the law text.