Sign Certification
Definition of Sign
Sign shall mean and include any permanent or temporary structure, device, letter, words, model, banner, pennant, insignia, trade flag, or representation used as, or which is in the nature of, an advertisement, announcement, or direction and which is designed to be seen from the outside of a building. See Section 7.13 of the Zoning Ordinance.
Sign Permits
All signs must have a permit from the Inspectional Services Department (ISD) before installation. The sign permit application to ISD through the City's online permitting system must include Community Development Department (CDD) Sign Certification Form Cover Sheet as well as an individual form for each type of sign (wall, projecting, freestanding and nonconforming). CDD certification is a part of the sign permit application review and does not constitute issuance of a permit. The sign permit is issued by ISD upon completion of all review steps.
City Council approval is required for all signs that extend 6 inches or more from the face of the building. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information at 617/349-4260.
Sign Regulations
The Sign and Illumination regulations are located in Article 7.000 of the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance.
For More Information
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