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Apply for a Cannabis Business Permit

Inspectional Services

Cannabis Business Permits are issued by the Cambridge Inspectional Services Department (ISD). Anyone seeking to open a Cannabis Retail Store or operate as a Cultivator, Medical Marijuana Treatment Center (MTC), Product Manufacturer, and/or Transporter in Cambridge must obtain a Cannabis Business Permit. The Cannabis Business Permit must be obtained prior to final approval from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission (MA CCC) for a Marijuana Establishment License.

In addition to the Cannabis Business Permit, all prospective cannabis businesses are required to secure a Host Community Agreement (HCA) from the City Manager’s Office.  These local requirements are in addition to any state requirements for the Marijuana Establishment License issued from the MA CCC. Information about the state Marijuana Establishment License process can be found on the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission (MA CCC) website.

How to Start

Note: On September 18, 2023 the Cambridge City Council voted to remove the Special Permit requirement for all Retail Cannabis uses except Production Facilities. The below information reflects those changes. If you are a Retail Cannabis business with questions about what this change means for your business, please contact staff in the Economic Opportunity and Development Division of CDD (see below).

Pre-Application Steps

  1. Meet with staff in the Community Development Department (CDD)Contact Christina DiLisio in the Economic Opportunity and Development Division of CDD at cdilisio@cambridgema.gov or 617/349-4601 to request a meeting and learn more about the requirements and process for the Cannabis Business Permit.
  2. Research the Marijuana License Establishment process Information about the application process for a Marijuana Establishment License with the MA CCC can be found on the MA CCC website.
  3. Hold Community Meeting  The MA CCC requires Marijuana Establishment License applicants to host a public meeting prior to obtaining an executed HCA with the City of Cambridge. Upon request, staff in CDD can assist with generating abutter’s lists as well as provide contact information for area business and/or neighborhood associations.   

Local Approval 

  1. Cannabis Business Permit Applicant Review  Submit a complete Cannabis Business Permit application via the online Viewpoint portal. Staff in the Community Development Department will determine eligibility to proceed. Information in the Cannabis Business Priority A Applicant Documentation [PDF] details which individuals are presently eligible for review under the permitting priority period. 
  2. Secure a Special Permit (only required for Cannabis Production Facility) Submit a complete Special Permit Application to the Cambridge Planning Board. A hearing will be held and approval of a Special Permit will be granted or denied based on compliance with zoning criteria.
  3. HCA Execution Complete the Request for Statement of Interest for Cannabis Business Host Community Agreements [PDF] and submit to Christina DiLisio in the Economic Opportunity and Development Division. Upon complete review, a final Statement of Interest for Cannabis Business Host Community Agreements will be coordinated with the City Manager’s Office.
  4. Cannabis Business Permit  Submit Provisional MA CCC Marijuana Establishment License to ISD. Following receipt, and sign-off from all necessary City of Cambridge departments, ISD will issue a Cannabis Business Permit.
  5. Building Permit  Following City review of applicant's Provisional MA CCC Marijuana Establishment License, Special Permit (if required), and Cannabis Business Permit, ISD issues Building Permit.  At that time ISD will confirm compliance with the zoning requirements for Cannabis Businesses found at Section 11.800 of the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance.
  6. Certificate of Occupancy  Following City review of applicant's Provisional MA CCC Marijuana Establishment License, Special Permit (if required), and Cannabis Business Permit, ISD issues Certificate of Occupancy.

State Approval

  1. Information about the approval process for a Marijuana Establishment License with the MA CCC, including information about the Provisional Marijuana Establishment License, the Final Marijuana Establishment License, and the Commence Operations notice can be found on the MA CCC website
Page was last modified on 12/30/2024 12:23 PM
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