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2023 Annual City Census

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 2 years ago.

Be Counted! Return your Census!

The City of Cambridge is required by state law (MGL Chapter 51 Section 4), to conduct an annual census of all residents 3 years of age and older. The Census form is mailed to every household in Cambridge. This information is necessary to protect your voting rights and to provide better municipal services. 

Residents have three options for returning the 2023 Annual City Census:

  1. Mail it using the postage-paid envelope provided
  2. Place it in the Drop Box in front of the Election Commission Office at 51 Inman Street
  3. Fill out the online census form (only if you are not making any changes to your name, political party or voting address)

If you did not receive a census form, you can download a PDF or submit an online census at www.cambridgema.gov/census.

Please contact the Election Commission at 617-349-4361 or elections@cambridgema.gov if you have any questions.

Page was posted on 2/15/2023 10:13 AM
Page was last modified on 7/25/2023 4:19 AM
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