Spot Elevations

GIS File Name



City of Cambridge, MA GIS basemap development project encompasses the land area of City of Cambridge with a 200 foot fringe surrounding the area and Charles River shoreline towards Boston. The basemap data was developed at 1" = 40' mapping scale using digital photogrammetric techniques. Planimetric features; both man-made and natural features like vegetation, rivers have been depicted. These features are important to all GIS/mapping applications and publication. A set of data layers such as Buildings, Roads, Rivers, Utility structures, 1 ft interval contours are developed and represented in the geodatabase. The features are labeled and coded in order to represent specific feature class for thematic representation and topology between the features is maintained for an accurate representation at the 1:40 mapping scale for both publication and analysis.

The Vertical Datum is NAVD1988.


City of Cambridge 1" - 40' elevation layers from an April 14, 2010 flyover. Elevation layers created by Infotech America.

Download Layer Data


Name Type Details Description
TYPE type: String
width: 50
precision: 0
Type of spot elevation (road intersection, other, ect.)
ELEV type: Double
width: 8
precision: 38
Elevation in feet above sea level

Coordinate System

NAD 1983 StatePlane Massachusetts Mainland FIPS 2001 Feet


This data is made available under the Public Domain Dedication and License v1.0 whose full text can be found at: