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City of Cambridge Announces Student Contest Winner for its 2021 “I Voted” Sticker

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I Voted Sticker Contest Winner

The City of Cambridge announced the winning design for the “I Voted Sticker” that will be used during the fall 2021 election season in Cambridge. The winning design by Cambridge Rindge and Latin School sophomore Evan Garvey was selected out of 55 submissions.

The goal of the contest was to create a new sticker that reflects the culture, languages, and people of Cambridge. All design submissions were required to include “I Voted” prominently in Amharic, Arabic, Bangla, Chinese, English, Haitian Creole, and Spanish, be non-partisan, and fit a circular sticker that is 2.5” in diameter.

The runner up designs were created by:

  • Tess O'Shaughnessy, Junior, Second Place
  • Priya Landrigan, Senior, Third Place
  • Evan Garvey, Sophomore, Fourth Place
  • Priya Landrigan, Senior, Honorable Mention
  • Maxwell Berger, Senior, Honorable Mention

“The stickers are an important symbol for Cambridge voters to indicate that they have participated in their civic duty,” said Cambridge Election Commissioner Director Tanya Ford. “We are excited to announce that we now have a new “I Voted” sticker that will be reproduced and given to voters on Tuesday November 2, 2021, in celebration of their civic contribution.”

The design competition, which was borne out of a City Council Policy Order, was administered by the Executive Directors of the Election Commission and the Family Policy Council. A selection committee, which included Mayor Siddiqui as Chair of the Family Policy Council, chose 8 designs from the 55 designs submitted for the contest. The winning design was selected by a voting process among Cambridge Rindge and Latin School students, Cambridge Election Commission Poll Workers, and the Community Engagement Team.

“Voting stickers have historically made voters feel part of a larger movement, and it provides us with a badge of honor for fulfilling our civic duty,” said Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui. “When I thought about how to make our voting process more inclusive and more representative of the Cambridge community, I knew engaging our students from CRLS to design our city’s next stickers would be an exciting way to get our younger Cantabrigians civically engaged right from the start. The submissions were creative and thoughtful, and I’m so glad we have chosen designs to bring new and old voters together.”

“The Live Work contests enable students to experience real world client connections and see their design skills valued,” said Creative Design Educator and Designer, Michele Watson Maxwell. “Student designers continually impress clients with their work and develop good design portfolios in the process. We are delighted to design a new “I Voted” sticker for the City of Cambridge that hopefully will increase voter engagement, turnout, and excitement around voting in the Cambridge community.”

“I want to thank Tanya Ford, Nancy Tauber, and Michele Watson Maxwell for designing and running this competition,” said Cambridge City Manager Louis A. DePasquale. “This competition has been a great way to engage the talented students at CRLS in designing a more inclusive “I Voted” sticker that better reflects our community.”

Page was posted on 6/10/2021 4:49 PM
Page was last modified on 7/25/2023 4:18 AM
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