Frequently Asked Questions

Click on any question below to expand the page and see the answers to the most frequent inquiries regarding Cambridge history and CHC permitting.

  • Which is older: The town of Cambridge or Harvard College?

  • Do you have the original plans for my house?

  • I am interested in genealogy. Do you have records about members of my family who once lived in Cambridge?

  • Does a blue oval historic marker indicate that a property is regulated by the Historical Commission?

  • Where can I download an application to make changes to a designated historic property?

  • What's the difference between the Cambridge Historical Commission and the Cambridge Historical Society?

  • What are the symbols on the city seal?

  • When was Cambridge founded?

  • Did George Washington take command of the American Army under the tree known as Washington Elm?

  • What is Fort Washington, and where is it?

  • Where is the Old Burying Ground in Cambridge and how do I find out who is buried there?

  • What advice can you give me about window repair?

  • What is the inscription over the front door of Cambridge City Hall and who wrote it?

  • What is the derivation of the name Cambridge?

  • What is a resident of Cambridge called, and how do you spell it?

  • What is the oldest remaining house in Cambridge?

  • Do you accept donations to the archive or library?

  • Do you have the papers of previous Cambridge mayors or city managers?