Movement & Yoga for Parents with their children
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Saturday, August 1, 2015
Andrew Peabody School
70 Rindge Ave.
Outside behind Peabody School
Center for Families, 617-349-3003
A movement-based class for Cambridge parents and their children ages 4-8 years old, where they do relaxing exercises and yoga together.
Please wear comfortable clothing.
This month, yoga will be held outside behind the Peabody School (70 Rindge Ave.), weather permitting. If it is raining, yoga will be held inside in the Peabody School Gym.
To register contact Christine at 617-349-3003.
For more information, View the Flyer, call or email Center for Families.
The Center for Families offers a variety of events, workshops, and classes for Cambridge families who have at least one child ages 0-8. All are free and open to the public.