The Six Fundamental Rights and Mental Health Laws in MA
9:30 AM - 3:00 PM Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Main Library
449 Broadway
Lecture Hall
Disability Law Center,, 617-723-8455 x123
Join us for a training on the six fundamental rights and mental health laws. This training is for individuals and advocates who are interested in learning about the rights an individual has when facing voluntary or involuntary commitment and hospitalization for a psychiatric disability. This will be followed by a Community Feedback Forum.
We are looking for your input on the issues you face as a person or family member of a person with lived experiences of a mental health diagnosis.
This training is free, but you must register to attend
9:30 Registration
10:00-12:30 Training on Fundamental Rights
12:30-1:30 Lunch
1:30-3:00 Input from the Community
Walter Noons, Senior Attorney, Disability Law Center
Alice Whitehill Wiseberg, Attorney-in-Charge, Committee for Public Counsel Services
Moderator: Christine Griffin, Executive Director, Disability Law Center
Please Note: Out of consideration for people with environmental illness and/or multiple chemical sensitivity, please refrain from using perfume or other scented products.
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