Swamp Stomp at Danehy Park
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Saturday, August 24, 2024
Danehy Park, 99 Sherman St. entrance
Meet at wetland area near facilities building (with bathrooms) and Willlow trees
Adam Corbeil, acorbeil@cambridgema.gov
Join artist Terry Bastian to learn about the wetland area at Danehy Park. Bastian will explain the park's wetland history and identify native plants and wildlife in the area. Participants will also be able to watch progress on the "Marsh Dragon" sculpture, an environmental art installation in the wetland that also acts as a biofilter. The Marsh Dragon will promote climate resiliency by protecting the wetland’s outlet from debris and sediment that can cause flooding.
As ecological design initiatives, the Swamp Stop and the Marsh Dragon aim to restore and maintain the ecology of the wetland while strengthenting the community’s connection to it.
This event is free and open to all ages! No registration needed.