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Cambridge Police Department Introduces New Revamped Website

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 2 years ago.

The Cambridge Police today announced it has introduced a new department website – www.cambridgepolice.org -- that is focused on better serving the community. The revamped website includes a number of new features, including a data center and transparency portal. Additionally, the home page includes the integration of near real-time information of critical incidents from the Cambridge Police Department’s Twitter account. The website, led by the department’s public information office and the city’s information technology department, was developed and refined following a series of focus group sessions with residents and city employees.

“We wanted to prioritize streamlining critical public safety information in order to make key services and contact information more accessible and transparent to users of our website,” said Police Commissioner Christine Elow. “I am so pleased with the preliminary feedback we have received thus far. The new website is easier to navigate, regardless if a user is accessing the site on a desktop computer, laptop or mobile device. It also enables residents to quickly find out what may be happening in their area, while allowing them to more effectively share and access important public safety information.”  

Features of the new website include:

  • A data center with comprehensive crime analysis information, including monthly crime reports, annual crime reports, and special reports such as crash calls for service.
  • A transparency portal includes a centralized location for the most commonly requested public materials, including policies and procedures, trainings, use of force information, complaints, commendations, and other special reports.
  • An enhanced set of police-related “I Want To” and “Services” pages.
  • Information specific to domestic violence, crime prevention, youth and families, seniors, and businesses.
  • Downloadable forms to apply for various permits and licenses.
  • Easy access to commonly requested forms and reports.
  • And, much more.

If residents have any feedback on the new website, they are encouraged to contact the Cambridge Police Public Information Office via email or by phone at 617-349-3237.


Page was posted on 6/14/2022 1:45 PM
Page was last modified on 7/25/2023 1:10 AM
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