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New Cadet Joins Cambridge Police Department

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New Cadet Joins Cambridge Police Department
Vincent Escalliere, a lifelong resident of Cambridge and 2019 CRLS graduate, was sworn into the Cambridge Police Cadet Program on January 20th in front of his family, loved ones, and members of the department. He is a member of the third Cambridge Police Cadet class. After working for AT&T, Escalliere is eager to improve himself and build relationships with this new experience.

The Cadet Program is designed for Cambridge residents between the ages of 18-23 years old who are interested in pursuing a career in policing. The program offers on-the-job and classroom training. Cadets are required to make a two-year commitment and they receive a salary, benefits and vacation time.

Two members of the first two classes (Marrae Aiguier and Rockeem Robinson) are currently participating in the Cambridge-Northeastern Police Academy. Meanwhile, Cadet alums Carlos Aquino-Navarro, Autumn Harrison, Francisco Melendez-Sanchez, and Jeffrey Renzi are now all officers with the Cambridge Police.

To learn more about the Cambridge Police Cadet Program, please visit https://www.cambridgema.gov/iwantto/becomeacambridgepolicecadet.
Page was posted on 1/23/2023 2:20 PM
Page was last modified on 7/25/2023 1:23 AM
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