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Cambridge Police & Massachusetts Association of Women in Law Enforcement Co-Host Recruiting Information Session

caution sign The information on this page may be outdated as it was published 2 years ago.

Join CPD Virtual Information Session with MAWLE Flyer
In advance of the next police exam, which is scheduled to take place March-April 2023, the Cambridge Police Department and Massachusetts Association of Women in Law Enforcement (MAWLE) will be holding a special virtual recruiting information session that will be focused on supporting women in Cambridge who are interested in pursuing a career in policing.

The session will be held this Tuesday, January 17 at 6 p.m.

Residents can get more information on the application, test requirements, hiring and selection process, timelines, and meet with other female officers to ask questions and learn more about policing in Cambridge.

Help us advance the representation and experiences of women in all ranks of policing in Cambridge by sharing this with someone you may know who would be interested or could benefit from this session.

To register, please visit: https://camb.ma/2023INFOSESSION.
Page was posted on 1/16/2023 12:27 AM
Page was last modified on 7/25/2023 1:23 AM
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