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K-9 “Sonny” Joins the Cambridge PD After Graduating from Academy; Will Partner with Officer Corona

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K-9 Sonny Joins Cambridge Police Department
Photo of K-9 Sonny and Officer Corona

The Cambridge Police Department is pleased to announce the newest partners in the agency. Officer Omar Corona, who has worked primarily out of the Patrol Operations after starting with the department in 2012, has transferred full-time to the Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) Unit, where he will serve as a certified bomb technician. As of this week, he is responding to calls throughout the city involving suspicious items, possible explosive materials and firearms, and conducting other outreach with his new partner K-9 Sonny.

Born in Oklahoma, K-9 Sonny is a black Labrador and 14 months old. The partners have been together for the last 12 weeks, building a rapport with each other, participating in extensive training, and getting certified to lead this important work. Last week, they graduated from the
Boston Police K9 Academy after getting certified by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.

Officer Corona and K-9 Sonny were immediately instrumental in keeping the City of Cambridge safe, as they responded to a residential building at MIT early Wednesday morning following a reported bomb threat and helped search and confirm that the building was safe along with two other partners in the Cambridge PD EOD Unit.

Officer Corona and K-9 Sonny join the nationally accredited explosive ordnance disposal unit following the recent retirements of Officer Steve Lyons and K-9 Kevin. The other K-9s in the unit are Dixie, Tango, Tony, and Zambra. 

Page was posted on 4/6/2023 5:27 PM
Page was last modified on 7/25/2023 1:23 AM
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