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In Memoriam

CPD Memorial Stone

Officers Killed in the Line of Duty

In memory of the six officers who lost their during their service to the Cambridge Police Department, M.I.T. Police Department and the City of Cambridge, a memorial stone was dedicated at the entrance of the Robert W. Healy Public Safety Facility. The inscription reads:

"In memory to those who made the supreme sacrifice for the citizens of Cambridge. WE WILL NEVER FORGET."

Below are the names of the Cambridge and M.I.T. Police Officers who were killed in the line of duty.

William Loughrey
Rank: Patrol Officer
End of Watch: June 26, 1860
Cause: Stabbing
Age: 44
Years of Service: 14
Description: While on patrol, Officer Loughrey observed a man covered in blood who he believed was being pursues by other officers on suspicion of burglary. While attempting to arrest the suspect, Officer Loughrey was stabbed several times and died from loss of blood.

Thomas J. Riley
Rank: Patrolman
End of Watch: November 20, 1920
Cause: Gunfire
Age: 34
Years of Service: 9
Description: Patrolman Riley was shot while attempting to disperse a group of intoxicated individuals. His assailant was convicted of murder and sentences to death in the electric chair.

Albert G. Eckardt
Rank: Patrolman
End of Watch: November 3, 1951
Cause: Automobile Accident
Age: 38
Years of Service: 9
Description: Automobile accident while transporting prisoners.

Lawrence W. Gorman
Rank: Patrolman
End of Watch: September 3, 1960
Cause: Gunfire
Age: 36
Years of Service: 6
Description: While responding to a call for a burglary, Officer Gorman was shot and killed by the suspect.

Sean A Collier (M.I.T. Police)
Rank: Patrol Officer
End of Watch: April 18, 2013
Cause: Gunfire
Age: 27
Years of Service: 1
Description: Collier was shot and killed April 18, 2013 while on patrol in his cruiser outside the Stata Center.

John Guthrie
Rank: Patrol Officer
End of Watch: 1926
Cause: Automobile Accident
Description: Struck by a street car while directing traffic at a Massachusetts Avenue intersection.

A memorial has also been created inside the department in the third floor display case featuring a the names of those Cambridge and M.I.T. Police Officers killed in the line of duty.

3rd Floor CPD memorial

Cambridge Police 9/11 Memorial

NYPD Memorial Stone

In memory of those who lost their lives during the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2011, the Cambridge Police Department dedicated a memorial stone at the entrance of the Robert W. Healy Public Safety Facility. The inscription reads:

"In memory of the 23 NYPD and the 37 PAPD officers who made the supreme sacrifice that day. Also in memory of all the police officers who have succumbed from exposure to toxins due to the World Trade Center fall out. NEVER FORGET."

A memorial has also been created inside the department in the third floor display case featuring a steel artifact from the collapse of the World Trade Center.

3rd Floor Memorial

The Cambridge Police Department is honored to be one of a very small number of police departments across the country to receive an artifact from the World Trade Center.

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