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2024 CPL Eclipse Celebration: Blackout Poetry (O'Connell)


O'Connell Branch
48 Sixth St.
Cambridge, MA 02141

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Celebrate National Poetry Month and the upcoming Solar Eclipse with us by creating your own blackout poetry at the O'Connell Branch Library. Blackout poetry is created by taking a written piece of text from a book, newspaper, or magazine and redacting words to come up with your very own poetry piece!

All supplies will be provided, and all ages are welcome.

Questions? Contact Abby at aclinger@cambridgema.gov.

This event is part of the Library's 2024 Eclipse Celebration. Check out our calendar of events or ask at your local library to learn about other events that are part of this special program: 2024 CPL Eclipse Celebration [https://www.cambridgema.gov/cpl/calendarofevents?start=20240131T000000&department=cpl&keyword=eclipse&view=month&page=1&resultsperpage=15]


Page was last modified on 7/7/2024 10:28 PM
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