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Sewing 101 (O'Neill)


O'Neill Branch
70 Rindge Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02140

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Learn to use a sewing machine at the O'Neill Branch! This class is designed for ages 7 through adult. Ages 7-11 must participate with an adult. Ages 12 and up may participate alone or with a partner. 

In this class, you will learn the basics of sewing machine operation and safety. We will cover machine setup, basic functions, threading the machine, reloading the bobbin, sewing straight stitches, and recognizing when problems arise. As we learn together, we’ll work on one or two simple sewing projects.

Participants may use this series to become badged for the sewing machines at the Hive. If you wish to do this, please complete the Hive Safety Training before the end of the workshop series.

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Page was last modified on 7/7/2024 9:09 PM
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