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Request a Cambridge Police patch, challenge coin or apparel

Cambridge Police

Unfortunately, due to the large demand and associated costs, the Cambridge Police Department doesn't issue patches or coins as a matter of policy.

However, the Cambridge Police Patrol Officers Association is selling limited edition commemorative Cambridge Police patches, stickers and face coverings. Prices range from $5 (each sticker) to $15 (each patch and face covering). Proceeds will be donated to different programs and charities.

Patches and stickers are sold online at cppoa1969.square.site. Orders are being accepted by e-mail to CharityPatches@CPPOA1969.org (PayPal is accepted) or mail (please include a check and self-addressed stamped envelope).

Attn: Commemorative Patches
PO Box 410155
Cambridge, MA 02141

All order requests should specify the products and quantity requested.

Page was posted on 5/25/2022 1:30 PM
Page was last modified on 1/6/2025 7:39 PM
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